Friday, February 23, 2007

Curling Draw!

The Provincial Curling Draw is up. Team Ashcroft plays bright and early Thursday morning at 11 AM against Silver Heights on home ice! So that might mean trouble for my Strathclair fan base but we all know you care so much you'll skip class and be in Shoal Lake to watch my team and I face off with Silver Heights who ever they maybe. Shoal Lake fans will also be expected to show up to ;) lol!

To see the Boys and Girls draw just click on this: and if that doesn't work then click on this and go to draw:


Adrienne said...

yeah...about that...I don't think I'll be able to make it...But seriously I don't think I'll have a way to get there, so your Strathclair fans won't be in attendance

Anonymous said...

are you two going out?
everyone wants to know

Adrienne said...

yuppers!!!! as of last night!! which was saturday by the way

B-Rad said...

Sure are!

Anonymous said...


tiffie.lynn said...

hey brad. just thought i'd point out that umm the red x is on the top right of the page... lol. anyways i'll see ya tomorrow. <3 tiffie.lynn

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.