Wednesday, November 29, 2006

There's hope

So I was reading Time magazine tonight while dining on some tuna I opened up. I discovered there maybe hope for me becoming a rock star. An Australian scientist by the name of Richard Helmer has developed a shirt with sensors in it. When you move your hands as if you were air guitaring the t-shirt makes guitar noises that correspond to your air guitaring! I want one of those Christmas when they come out with the drummer version. I also discovered in my reading that people who give their vehicles a name or gender are more likely to engage in road rage. Which surprisingly kills 370 people a year in the U.S. and causes 20,000+ injuries. That's craziness. So watch out for cars with personalized license plates and people that call their vehicle a boy or girl. So better watch out for me because I call my car an old girl.

So I have this enormous desire to go flying. Maybe now that hunting is done I'll get around to that. I'm really worried that I may have forgotten how. Though I had that worry in the spring about how to fly a glider and in the end I hadn't forgotten anything.

Oh a hint for anyone buying me a Christmas gift. I was climbing the ladder today at school and I had a really cold head because my beloved SLS Sharks toque is worn out. I really like the Roughriders and I saw a really nice green Roughrider toque at Sports Check or somewhere like that. Anyways I'm going to finish off with a quote from SNL.

"In Kentucky, four people were shot by BB guns outside a Best Buy as they waited in line to purchase the new PlayStation 3, in yet another disturbing case of nerd-on-nerd violence." ~ Seth Myers

Monday, November 27, 2006

That Study Knew Me

So today I was reading the newspaper. This is one of my daily activities at school during recess. I came across this article about how men/women pick mates or significant others. What ever you wish to call the position. Very interesting article. Though very little of it surprised me. I'll give you a brief run down of the article. It was about a study done at speed dating events in England. The study found that hair color has no effect on how people pick dates. No surprise there. Also men gravitate towards thin and young women. Women like younger men that are older then them. At these speed dating events taller men were more likely to get a real date out of the deal. None of this shocked me but I thought I'd inform the world.

Today I booked my aptitude test, interview, and medical part 1 with the Canadian Forces. So for all you in Winnipeg I'll be in there on the 10th and 11th for that gig. This weekend I'll be in Winnipeg as a staff cadet but I have to stay on the base. Should be a good weekend though. I'll get to tell flying stories, hear some, and see some folks I haven't seen in awhile. Oh and my last bit of news is that I got curling shoes! They're amazing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Suck

So I got my math test back. The good news. I passed. The bad news I can't seem to do much more then pass my tests. Sure I cleared the dreaded 50% by 15% so if you didn't catch what I just said I got 65%. Which really isn't making me feel happy because I know I can do the stuff but I go ablank on the tests and now it's possibly screwing up my life goals/plans. So I feel like a giant idiot who sucks at stuff. To top things off I haven't seen a deer after days of hunting. It's like having salt and vinegar poured on a wound. Oh well at least I won at curling lastnight and my physics average has gone up 2% since report cards.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bad luck

So recently I've been having some bad luck. Luckily it's not my entire life effected by this bad luck. Just hunting and math. I'll start with hunting. I just haven't had much luck in seeing anything and when I do see something the oppurtunity to shoot it just isn't there.

Math the achilles heal of my educational experience or schooling if you prefer. I can do the excercises fairly well, everything goes smoothly. However I get to the tests and I just screw up big time. Which in turn is possibly screwing up my life plans. School has always been something I've been good at but recently math has been making me feel like a giant idiot. Which I may very well be when it comes to the rest of life. But school has always been something I've been good at. At least Mr. Maynes says he knows I'm smart but just seem to have brain farts at the worst possible oppurtunities. So I'm pretty sure I've botched my last math test and yeah school is just a big drag these days. I feel like I need stress leave or something at times.

Girls JV VB Provs started today. I didn't have to do my barbecuing job because I guess the girls didn't eat as much food as expected. So I sold some raffle tickets for grad. Got bored of that so I put on the shark costume and ran around for a bit. We made a free hugs sign for the mascot. Which resulted in small children and grown men wanting hugs. Eventually the costume got to hot and I gave up wearing it. Now I'm going to go to a Flying Club meeting so see y'all later. Yeah that's right I said flying club.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What do I want for Christmas?

Here's the short version of my weekend. Friday I set up for Rememberance Day, then I went to Youth Group, then I hung out with Adri, and then I went home. Saturday I woke up late after pressing the snooze button about 5 times to many, went to Rememberance Day, did my stuff, picked up Adrienne, hung out, watched movies, took Adrienne home, and fell asleep. Today I slept in, did some eating, went to Grandma & Grandpa's, hung some Christmas lights up, came home, chopped a tree down that was in front of my treestand, made sure I still knew how to fire a rifle, and am now trying to make a Christmas list for my mom.

The last thing is not going so well. I don't know what I want for Christmas. Anyone have any ideas on what I want for Christmas? I know I'm probably getting a laptop for grad so no point in asking for that. I would like an airplane but I'm pretty sure my parents don't have $30,000+ just lieing around for that.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'll make it quick. Tuesday was awesome. First off we had an ice day so there was no school. So I talked to Adri, napped, watched tv, etc. Oh and it was also my birthday. Then my parents took Adri, and I out for supper. We had to take Julie, I mean we also brought Julie. That was pretty awesome because we went to the Keg so I was able to eat steak and drink gin. Wednesday was school again, which was a drag. Today (Thursday) was also school. Just your average day at school. Had cadets that was meh. Some parent ragged on me about the way I was doing things for groundschool. Wanted to tell him that he could do it if he had a problem. I've decided ppl who complain about people who volunteer are people I dislike. Though after that run in I got to see Adrienne. Tomorrow is the Rememberance Day Service at school, should be all right. I have to take all the instruments back to Strath. Then I have to set up for Saturday at some point, and then Youth Group.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

You turn 18 and then's all down hill until 65.

So this was my first weekend with out gliding. Sorta sad except I slept in two days in a row and I enjoyed it nearly as much as Christmas. Which by the way is 49 days away!

So Friday was Youth Group. I gotta say that's some good times there. Makes me feel like I'm 10 again, which is cool. Makes me forget about all that graduating, moving away, etc stuff. After Youth Group I went guessed it Adrienne's place!

Saturday I had to put up Christmas lights. It was sorta funny when I was looking for a ladder or something in the furthest place away from the house when I started hearing all this screaming. I thought Julie had fallen off the roof but apparently she was just yelling at Dad about how she thought I was given special treatment compared to her and blah blah. I get a kick out of her outbursts. In the afternoon I had to go to town to deliver phonebooks which was a giant annoyance.

When I got home however. Since my birthday is on Tuesday, mother dearest of course figured I should have the family supper dealio. After supper my godfather and I had some business to take care of. When I was in the womb, he bet my mom a bottle of rye that I'd be born after December 1st. Let's just say he was wrong and he bought the bottle. Now my mom didn't drink this bottle. No they made an agreement that on my 18th I'd drink it with my godfather. So we drank it. It went down fairly good and it stayed down so that's all that matters. So when you turn 18 you get a lot of happy birthdays, comments, advice, etc from everyone you know. Now probably the best comment I got was from my dad's friend. He started his little speech by saying you know Brad you've turned 18 and then asked me if I knew what was next. Of course I assumed he was going to say a certain 3 letter word so that's what I said. I was wrong. He went on to tell me that after 18 there's nothing special until you hit 65. 16 is monumental because you start to drive, and 18 because of smoking, drinking, voting, etc. He finished his bit of advice by saying that 65 is monumental because you get your pension. He also threw in that sure you get married and have kids but thats nothing special, when you turn 30 and 40 nothing happens, and when you turn 50 all you do is hope you make it to 65. Now I found this all pretty amusing especially when his wife looked at him. Some would say that's pessimestic and that he's not an optimist. In fact someone pointed that out to him and he replied by saying he was a realist. Overall not a bad night considering there was no one my age there. Some people even supported The Get Brad in the Sky Again Fund and The Buy Brad a Pair of Curling Shoes Fund.