Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So I was thinking. You know when you're joking around with someone and you say "I'm just joshing ya". Do you say that if you're joking around with someone who has the name Josh. Because I'm pretty sure if anyone is doing the Joshing it would be a person named Josh and not you or I. Seriously. Think about it. If anyone knows about Joshing it would be someone who is a Josh. Also why do we say Joshing? Why not Bradding, or Kaitlaning, Johning, etc?

Oh so today at school I had to do two presidential duties. One of them which was sorta blah. That being having to cancel the school dance to prevent utter failure. The fun one being giving the principal a haircut because the school raised enough money in the Terry Fox Run. Considering I've must have had my head shaved well over the 100 times I know very little about actually cutting the hair. Oh and before we brought out the electric clippers we used a hedge clipper to cut the hair. Very amusing.


Anonymous said...

Well Brad, we could always ask the Schenster what his opinion of the whole situation is. It's Steve Shaw from Saskatoon by the way, just thought I'd drop you a line. Anyways, I'm pretty sure 'Johning' has something to do with prostitution, so they might use that word in that profession. As for the other 'ing' names, they just sound bad. As much as I hate to admit it, Joshing just sounds better. Have a good one and such, keep the pointy side forward and the dirty side down.

B-Rad said...

I'd ask but I don't think I could stay awake long enough for the story!