Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Latest Happenings

Thursday - Snow day! I cleaned my room up a bit, skidooed to Adri's for supper, watched some TV, and called it a day.

Friday - Snow day! Provincials started finally after being pushed back an entire day plus a few hours. We had an embarrassing game against a team from Winnipeg who appeared to have made curling a better portion of their lives. With the exception of the third who liked his thumb alot. Amazing team until the etiquette was required. Then there was the banquet, which was amazing because those ladies know how to put on a good meal. Mike Leach supplied the entertainment by hypnotizing some folks. RIP Tiffany's rope skipping giraffe. Then I drove Adrienne and Katy home. Disappointed everyone by finally joining the ranks of the many who've gotten stuck in Lennox's yard lol. Had some birthday cake with Ethan and made it home in good time.

Saturday - Curled bright and early against Rossburn in Strathclair. Lost a close one and that draw I screwed over in the 7th end is still playing in my head along with the draw in the 8th. Man did I feel bad about those and still do. Thanks to everyone who came out and watched that game and the Friday game. So with that loss we were effectively out of Provincials so I headed back to Shoal Lake to be the Assistant Assistant Icemaker. After that I went to Huckerby-Smiths and hung out with Adri and the gang. Then on my way home I figured I should probably see what my parents were doing in town. So I ended up at Koroscil's listening to certain adults impart wisdom on many things.

Sunday - Today I woke up around 11:30. Showered and ate. Headed into town to help with the curling and when it appeared there was nothing left to do I came home to do homework. Still haven't done the homework but I did take a nap. That's it!

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