Saturday, March 17, 2007

Phone Call

Well I haven't been able to tell everyone important yet but I figured I'd just put it on here and let the world know. Today as I was sitting at the dinner table working on calculus, the phone rang. The call display came up and said it was some weird number. I thought it was a survey but it wasn't. I should have known it was the recruiting center because I'd seen the number before but that's neither here nor there. After the officer asked for Brad (that's me) she began to tell me the news. I've been accepted for ROTP (Regular Officer Training Plan) at RMC (Royal Military College of Canada) in Kingston, Ontario. I was chosen for my first choice, which 6 months ago was my 3rd choice. That being an Airfield Engineer. I'm super excited. I doubt I'll be able to sleep until the official paperwork comes through in the next few weeks. If you wanna know what my job will be once I'm done university then check this out . The officer told me not to make any concrete plans but that in about the third week of June I'll be going into Winnipeg to the Recruiting Center to be sworn in as an Officer Cadet (the lowest of the low in the CF until being commissioned) and around the first weekend in July I'll be shipped off to St. Jean, PQ for IAP and BOTC (Initial Assessment Phase and Basic Officer Training Course). So I won't be back until Christmas 2007 if all goes according to plan. So no more farm work for this guy lol!

So now you all know and I finally know where I'm going to university. I'm kinda speechless so I've ran out of things to say. Anyways thanks for the continuing support and lets hope this all goes off with out any problems.


Anonymous said...

Hooray, congrats Brad!
And no more farming is always a plus too.

Anonymous said...


Gill said...

hey GOOD JOB!!
Good luck with EVERYTHING!!