Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 4 of Wasting my life away on the swather

So today was day four of me sitting on the swather drinking pop, eating sandwiches, and playing with the satellite radio. I think Adriene is on to something because that satellite radio is distracting me. Everytime I play around with it something seems to go wrong. For instance today I plugged the swather a million times while playing with the sirius and the other night driving home from Bakers I was all over the road while playing with the sirius.

So anyways I do a lot of listening to a lot of different music and comedy on the radio. I've come to pick a few favourites. My favourite Foo Fighter song would have to be Times Like These. Everytime it comes on I end up rocking out and plugging the swather. Same with anything by The Offspring (who I've always liked but have really got into over the summer). My favourite comedian I've been listening to on the satellite radio has to me Mitch Fatel. He sorta acts like he's a little kid or something. It's good. So I'm starting to run out of things to say. So I'm gonna play some solitare because it's a thursday night and there's no where to go.


Just A Girl said...

oh solitaire, and solitarness?? (is that even a word?)

Adrienne said...

lol see i am right