Thursday, December 28, 2006
Technology - 0 Brad - 1
I showed that iPod who's boss. So after hours of fiddling around, plugging cords in, then unplugging them, opening things, closing things, and every other action associated with technology I finally put music on the iPod. To top off the hit parade I also put a few pictures on there, just to see if I could. But it is late. Very late in fact and I should go to bed. I was going to write a big blurb about going to the Wheat Kings game but I'll probably just end up passing out on the keyboard. To summarize the whole thing. The Wheaties lost 3-2 after O/T and a shoot out.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I got a toaster
So Santa came! For the first time ever he wrapped the gifts. But anyways.......
I got a toaster. Yes, that's right a toaster. One of those things you place slices of bread in or toaster waffles (mmmmmmmmmm toaster waffles) and they come out toasted. I must say probably the weirdest gift I've ever received. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, well besides the obvious. I did get that snowmobile suit I asked for, and some sweet CDs (+44 and Foo Fighters), got some towels (with a note saying to save them for university), a second watch, and the usual books, food, socks, etc. Oh and I did get an airplane. Though it was only a toy.
Tomorrow or should I say later today is the skating party at Adri's. Going to be pretty sweet except I have to take Julie, so that she's kept busy. Hmmmm yeah that's about it.
I got a toaster. Yes, that's right a toaster. One of those things you place slices of bread in or toaster waffles (mmmmmmmmmm toaster waffles) and they come out toasted. I must say probably the weirdest gift I've ever received. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, well besides the obvious. I did get that snowmobile suit I asked for, and some sweet CDs (+44 and Foo Fighters), got some towels (with a note saying to save them for university), a second watch, and the usual books, food, socks, etc. Oh and I did get an airplane. Though it was only a toy.
Tomorrow or should I say later today is the skating party at Adri's. Going to be pretty sweet except I have to take Julie, so that she's kept busy. Hmmmm yeah that's about it.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Santa Is Coming!!!
Santa is Coming!!!!!
So anyhoo Santa is coming tomorrow! I just spent the last half an hour trying to make that NORAD Santa Tracker website work but my computer is retarded. Adrienne gave me a sweet watch for Christmas. It has this thing on it call a tachymeter. I had no clue what it was for so I wikipedied it and it's a speedometer type deal. It's pretty amazing. So yeah that's about all the exciting news I have. I did spend the first half of today in bed. First time in months I've slept in till noon. I can't even remember the last time I did that.
Tomorrow is the family deal at Grandma's and then I guess it moves on over to my aunt and uncle's for supper. Boxing Day is skating at Adrienne's! Anywayssssss
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Who Woulda Thought?!
Ok, so I'm going to jump around a bit here. I'm going to start with today. So today I was curling as the 3rd on the high school girls team at the 60th Annual Westman High School Bonspiel or what ever it's called. I'll start with the funny part of my day. Mandy was asking me where Courtenay wanted her to throw the rock and I thought Mandy asked : "Does she want it in the behind?". Luckily I was able to hold the laughter and managed to figure out what Mandy was actually asking without being noticed. That's the funny part of the day. So our first game was against some girls from Rivers who we believed would be an easy game. Apparently not, they sent us to the "B" side. Our next game was against some young boys who didn't even look like they belonged in high school. They sent us to the "C" side, which is where we now sit. Now let's flashback to yesterday.
Pretty uneventful at school. I fell asleep in English, then we left class to fix the BBQ for the grad raffle, and then I shined the BBQ. In dodgeball my team got walked all over, which was no surprise. Obviously Jordan's lucky shorts didn't pull us through this time. Then I went home, greased up the skidoo, then proceded to skidoo two miles in circles around my house. Then I headed off to Strath for the church Christmas concert. I gotta say it was probably one of the best Christmas concerts I've been to in my 18 years. To top off my pretty much spectacular Friday I went to Adri's house. I ate a bunch of really good short bread cookies, and we hung out. Not bad at all if you ask moi!
Pretty uneventful at school. I fell asleep in English, then we left class to fix the BBQ for the grad raffle, and then I shined the BBQ. In dodgeball my team got walked all over, which was no surprise. Obviously Jordan's lucky shorts didn't pull us through this time. Then I went home, greased up the skidoo, then proceded to skidoo two miles in circles around my house. Then I headed off to Strath for the church Christmas concert. I gotta say it was probably one of the best Christmas concerts I've been to in my 18 years. To top off my pretty much spectacular Friday I went to Adri's house. I ate a bunch of really good short bread cookies, and we hung out. Not bad at all if you ask moi!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Turn and Cough
So I haven't done this in awhile. Therefore this will probably become lengthy and boring about as fast as you can say the word fast. So I'll start with Friday! Awesome time. Can't remember what I did in school but it musta been good, then it was banquet time! Freakin awesome. It could have only been better if it would have been on an airplane. Maybe in about 20 years or so I could arrange that to. I doubt it. Anyways it was awesome. It was amazing because well I got to see Adrienne, then there was food, and when we did the gift exchange I got a Froot Loops bowl and spoon.
Saturday was sorta meh for the first bit. I hooked some tv stuff up, did some cleaning, changed my oil, etc. This is when it gets good. It was Grandma's birthday and I brought Adri. Not the coolest date but what ever. It was a fairly good time. There was food and cake.
Sunday I headed into Winnipeg. After finally finding Kaitlan's dorm after a lot of phone calls and a lot of driving around the U of M, we went Christmas shopping. I tell y'all, without Kaitlan's help I'd still be at St. Vital picking out gifts. After that I went to the U of W for a Jazz Concert. Never been to one of them before but I must say it was a good show. I ended up doing a lot of driving around the city because my navigation skills didn't take into consideration that you can't turn left off main onto portage and that one way streets seem to be the only streets that exist in the city.
Today was my aptitude test, interview, and medical for the CF. I made $150 because of travel and eating expenses to. That all went quite splendid. The interview was a piece of cake and was probably what I did best on. Well I guess I did good on the medical to but that's sorta something not under my control. Doctor pretty much told me what I already know. I'm a healthy teenage male. Though he did surprise me when he said that I had good hearing. That was a surprise and a half. Unfortunately the medical isn't complete. I have to go for blood tests, eye tests, and some other tests. Anyways I'm exhausted. Oh and luckily I didn't have to turn and cough. I guess they cut that part out lol!
Saturday was sorta meh for the first bit. I hooked some tv stuff up, did some cleaning, changed my oil, etc. This is when it gets good. It was Grandma's birthday and I brought Adri. Not the coolest date but what ever. It was a fairly good time. There was food and cake.
Sunday I headed into Winnipeg. After finally finding Kaitlan's dorm after a lot of phone calls and a lot of driving around the U of M, we went Christmas shopping. I tell y'all, without Kaitlan's help I'd still be at St. Vital picking out gifts. After that I went to the U of W for a Jazz Concert. Never been to one of them before but I must say it was a good show. I ended up doing a lot of driving around the city because my navigation skills didn't take into consideration that you can't turn left off main onto portage and that one way streets seem to be the only streets that exist in the city.
Today was my aptitude test, interview, and medical for the CF. I made $150 because of travel and eating expenses to. That all went quite splendid. The interview was a piece of cake and was probably what I did best on. Well I guess I did good on the medical to but that's sorta something not under my control. Doctor pretty much told me what I already know. I'm a healthy teenage male. Though he did surprise me when he said that I had good hearing. That was a surprise and a half. Unfortunately the medical isn't complete. I have to go for blood tests, eye tests, and some other tests. Anyways I'm exhausted. Oh and luckily I didn't have to turn and cough. I guess they cut that part out lol!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
So tonight was my first basketball practice since Grade 8. I thought I might have lost what little talent I once had. Turns out I still have a small portion of it! I don't think I've done that much physical activity in a long time. Maybe for soccer but besides that I don't know when I've worked that much.
Tomorrow is cadets YAY! Friday is the Youth Group banquet. Sounds like it should be a pretty swanky event. Saturday is my scheduled day of relaxation, which actually equals out to changing oil in my car, doing homework, and prepping for my interview on Monday. Sunday I'm heading into Winnipeg. Do some Christmas shopping, and maybe hit up the U of W Jazz Concert. Monday is my aptitude testing, interview, and part of my medical. Then next week should be the usual until the weekend when I'm supposed to curl in a mixed bonspiel in Brandon. Anyways.......
Oh for everyone who doesn't know what swanky means here's the meaning:
swank·y /ˈswæŋki/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[swang-kee] Pronunciation Key -
–adjective, swank·i·er, swank·i·est.
elegant or ostentatious; swank.
Related forms
swank·i·ly, adverb
swank·i·ness, noun
—Synonyms stylish, chic, smart, fashionable.
Tomorrow is cadets YAY! Friday is the Youth Group banquet. Sounds like it should be a pretty swanky event. Saturday is my scheduled day of relaxation, which actually equals out to changing oil in my car, doing homework, and prepping for my interview on Monday. Sunday I'm heading into Winnipeg. Do some Christmas shopping, and maybe hit up the U of W Jazz Concert. Monday is my aptitude testing, interview, and part of my medical. Then next week should be the usual until the weekend when I'm supposed to curl in a mixed bonspiel in Brandon. Anyways.......
Oh for everyone who doesn't know what swanky means here's the meaning:
swank·y /ˈswæŋki/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[swang-kee] Pronunciation Key -
–adjective, swank·i·er, swank·i·est.
elegant or ostentatious; swank.
Related forms
swank·i·ly, adverb
swank·i·ness, noun
—Synonyms stylish, chic, smart, fashionable.
Monday, December 04, 2006
So anyways this past weekend was spent at 17 Wing Winnipeg. I got picked to be a staff cadet for Excercise Future Eagles. Which was all right. It sorta lacked the excitement I was looking for but we did have some excitement on two instances when we couldn't find some cadets. Actually it was more annoying then exciting. So my job was pretty much that of a glorified babysitter for people only a year or two younger then me. Though I did get to see some people I never get to see and it was nice to give back to the program. I did learn some stuff over the weekend but it came from watching TV, while we were marking exams. A cockroach can live a week without its head and ancient Romans used (I'm not even going to say) for mouth wash. We left the base an hour and a half earlier then scheduled on Sunday, which was awesome because it gave me a bit more time to visit Adri.
So anyways once I got back to Strathclair, I hopped in my car, which was extremely cold and headed to Adrienne's. When I got there no one was home, which was only a partial surprise so I just hung out with the dog and cat and did homework until Adrienne got back to the house. Hung out for a bit (a bit not being long enough) then I went to curling practice. I never thought curling practice could get very intense but it was quite the cardio workout when we did our sweeping drills (yes sweeping drills because we're intense). By the time I made it home I was ready to sleep for the next year but I never got around to that. Hopefully tonight. Oh and some good news I think I've made some headway in my Christmas shopping. Haven't actually bought anything but I've got some ideas, which is something I don't seem to get until about 30 seconds before I take something off the shelf at the store.
Well I'm gonna finish off with a quote I stole off the whiteboard at school:
"Small minds discuss people, moderate minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas."
So anyways once I got back to Strathclair, I hopped in my car, which was extremely cold and headed to Adrienne's. When I got there no one was home, which was only a partial surprise so I just hung out with the dog and cat and did homework until Adrienne got back to the house. Hung out for a bit (a bit not being long enough) then I went to curling practice. I never thought curling practice could get very intense but it was quite the cardio workout when we did our sweeping drills (yes sweeping drills because we're intense). By the time I made it home I was ready to sleep for the next year but I never got around to that. Hopefully tonight. Oh and some good news I think I've made some headway in my Christmas shopping. Haven't actually bought anything but I've got some ideas, which is something I don't seem to get until about 30 seconds before I take something off the shelf at the store.
Well I'm gonna finish off with a quote I stole off the whiteboard at school:
"Small minds discuss people, moderate minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas."
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
There's hope
So I was reading Time magazine tonight while dining on some tuna I opened up. I discovered there maybe hope for me becoming a rock star. An Australian scientist by the name of Richard Helmer has developed a shirt with sensors in it. When you move your hands as if you were air guitaring the t-shirt makes guitar noises that correspond to your air guitaring! I want one of those Christmas when they come out with the drummer version. I also discovered in my reading that people who give their vehicles a name or gender are more likely to engage in road rage. Which surprisingly kills 370 people a year in the U.S. and causes 20,000+ injuries. That's craziness. So watch out for cars with personalized license plates and people that call their vehicle a boy or girl. So better watch out for me because I call my car an old girl.
So I have this enormous desire to go flying. Maybe now that hunting is done I'll get around to that. I'm really worried that I may have forgotten how. Though I had that worry in the spring about how to fly a glider and in the end I hadn't forgotten anything.
Oh a hint for anyone buying me a Christmas gift. I was climbing the ladder today at school and I had a really cold head because my beloved SLS Sharks toque is worn out. I really like the Roughriders and I saw a really nice green Roughrider toque at Sports Check or somewhere like that. Anyways I'm going to finish off with a quote from SNL.
"In Kentucky, four people were shot by BB guns outside a Best Buy as they waited in line to purchase the new PlayStation 3, in yet another disturbing case of nerd-on-nerd violence." ~ Seth Myers
So I have this enormous desire to go flying. Maybe now that hunting is done I'll get around to that. I'm really worried that I may have forgotten how. Though I had that worry in the spring about how to fly a glider and in the end I hadn't forgotten anything.
Oh a hint for anyone buying me a Christmas gift. I was climbing the ladder today at school and I had a really cold head because my beloved SLS Sharks toque is worn out. I really like the Roughriders and I saw a really nice green Roughrider toque at Sports Check or somewhere like that. Anyways I'm going to finish off with a quote from SNL.
"In Kentucky, four people were shot by BB guns outside a Best Buy as they waited in line to purchase the new PlayStation 3, in yet another disturbing case of nerd-on-nerd violence." ~ Seth Myers
Monday, November 27, 2006
That Study Knew Me
So today I was reading the newspaper. This is one of my daily activities at school during recess. I came across this article about how men/women pick mates or significant others. What ever you wish to call the position. Very interesting article. Though very little of it surprised me. I'll give you a brief run down of the article. It was about a study done at speed dating events in England. The study found that hair color has no effect on how people pick dates. No surprise there. Also men gravitate towards thin and young women. Women like younger men that are older then them. At these speed dating events taller men were more likely to get a real date out of the deal. None of this shocked me but I thought I'd inform the world.
Today I booked my aptitude test, interview, and medical part 1 with the Canadian Forces. So for all you in Winnipeg I'll be in there on the 10th and 11th for that gig. This weekend I'll be in Winnipeg as a staff cadet but I have to stay on the base. Should be a good weekend though. I'll get to tell flying stories, hear some, and see some folks I haven't seen in awhile. Oh and my last bit of news is that I got curling shoes! They're amazing.
Today I booked my aptitude test, interview, and medical part 1 with the Canadian Forces. So for all you in Winnipeg I'll be in there on the 10th and 11th for that gig. This weekend I'll be in Winnipeg as a staff cadet but I have to stay on the base. Should be a good weekend though. I'll get to tell flying stories, hear some, and see some folks I haven't seen in awhile. Oh and my last bit of news is that I got curling shoes! They're amazing.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I Suck
So I got my math test back. The good news. I passed. The bad news I can't seem to do much more then pass my tests. Sure I cleared the dreaded 50% by 15% so if you didn't catch what I just said I got 65%. Which really isn't making me feel happy because I know I can do the stuff but I go ablank on the tests and now it's possibly screwing up my life goals/plans. So I feel like a giant idiot who sucks at stuff. To top things off I haven't seen a deer after days of hunting. It's like having salt and vinegar poured on a wound. Oh well at least I won at curling lastnight and my physics average has gone up 2% since report cards.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Bad luck
So recently I've been having some bad luck. Luckily it's not my entire life effected by this bad luck. Just hunting and math. I'll start with hunting. I just haven't had much luck in seeing anything and when I do see something the oppurtunity to shoot it just isn't there.
Math the achilles heal of my educational experience or schooling if you prefer. I can do the excercises fairly well, everything goes smoothly. However I get to the tests and I just screw up big time. Which in turn is possibly screwing up my life plans. School has always been something I've been good at but recently math has been making me feel like a giant idiot. Which I may very well be when it comes to the rest of life. But school has always been something I've been good at. At least Mr. Maynes says he knows I'm smart but just seem to have brain farts at the worst possible oppurtunities. So I'm pretty sure I've botched my last math test and yeah school is just a big drag these days. I feel like I need stress leave or something at times.
Girls JV VB Provs started today. I didn't have to do my barbecuing job because I guess the girls didn't eat as much food as expected. So I sold some raffle tickets for grad. Got bored of that so I put on the shark costume and ran around for a bit. We made a free hugs sign for the mascot. Which resulted in small children and grown men wanting hugs. Eventually the costume got to hot and I gave up wearing it. Now I'm going to go to a Flying Club meeting so see y'all later. Yeah that's right I said flying club.
Math the achilles heal of my educational experience or schooling if you prefer. I can do the excercises fairly well, everything goes smoothly. However I get to the tests and I just screw up big time. Which in turn is possibly screwing up my life plans. School has always been something I've been good at but recently math has been making me feel like a giant idiot. Which I may very well be when it comes to the rest of life. But school has always been something I've been good at. At least Mr. Maynes says he knows I'm smart but just seem to have brain farts at the worst possible oppurtunities. So I'm pretty sure I've botched my last math test and yeah school is just a big drag these days. I feel like I need stress leave or something at times.
Girls JV VB Provs started today. I didn't have to do my barbecuing job because I guess the girls didn't eat as much food as expected. So I sold some raffle tickets for grad. Got bored of that so I put on the shark costume and ran around for a bit. We made a free hugs sign for the mascot. Which resulted in small children and grown men wanting hugs. Eventually the costume got to hot and I gave up wearing it. Now I'm going to go to a Flying Club meeting so see y'all later. Yeah that's right I said flying club.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
What do I want for Christmas?
Here's the short version of my weekend. Friday I set up for Rememberance Day, then I went to Youth Group, then I hung out with Adri, and then I went home. Saturday I woke up late after pressing the snooze button about 5 times to many, went to Rememberance Day, did my stuff, picked up Adrienne, hung out, watched movies, took Adrienne home, and fell asleep. Today I slept in, did some eating, went to Grandma & Grandpa's, hung some Christmas lights up, came home, chopped a tree down that was in front of my treestand, made sure I still knew how to fire a rifle, and am now trying to make a Christmas list for my mom.
The last thing is not going so well. I don't know what I want for Christmas. Anyone have any ideas on what I want for Christmas? I know I'm probably getting a laptop for grad so no point in asking for that. I would like an airplane but I'm pretty sure my parents don't have $30,000+ just lieing around for that.
The last thing is not going so well. I don't know what I want for Christmas. Anyone have any ideas on what I want for Christmas? I know I'm probably getting a laptop for grad so no point in asking for that. I would like an airplane but I'm pretty sure my parents don't have $30,000+ just lieing around for that.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I'll make it quick. Tuesday was awesome. First off we had an ice day so there was no school. So I talked to Adri, napped, watched tv, etc. Oh and it was also my birthday. Then my parents took Adri, and I out for supper. We had to take Julie, I mean we also brought Julie. That was pretty awesome because we went to the Keg so I was able to eat steak and drink gin. Wednesday was school again, which was a drag. Today (Thursday) was also school. Just your average day at school. Had cadets that was meh. Some parent ragged on me about the way I was doing things for groundschool. Wanted to tell him that he could do it if he had a problem. I've decided ppl who complain about people who volunteer are people I dislike. Though after that run in I got to see Adrienne. Tomorrow is the Rememberance Day Service at school, should be all right. I have to take all the instruments back to Strath. Then I have to set up for Saturday at some point, and then Youth Group.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
You turn 18 and then's all down hill until 65.
So this was my first weekend with out gliding. Sorta sad except I slept in two days in a row and I enjoyed it nearly as much as Christmas. Which by the way is 49 days away!
So Friday was Youth Group. I gotta say that's some good times there. Makes me feel like I'm 10 again, which is cool. Makes me forget about all that graduating, moving away, etc stuff. After Youth Group I went guessed it Adrienne's place!
Saturday I had to put up Christmas lights. It was sorta funny when I was looking for a ladder or something in the furthest place away from the house when I started hearing all this screaming. I thought Julie had fallen off the roof but apparently she was just yelling at Dad about how she thought I was given special treatment compared to her and blah blah. I get a kick out of her outbursts. In the afternoon I had to go to town to deliver phonebooks which was a giant annoyance.
When I got home however. Since my birthday is on Tuesday, mother dearest of course figured I should have the family supper dealio. After supper my godfather and I had some business to take care of. When I was in the womb, he bet my mom a bottle of rye that I'd be born after December 1st. Let's just say he was wrong and he bought the bottle. Now my mom didn't drink this bottle. No they made an agreement that on my 18th I'd drink it with my godfather. So we drank it. It went down fairly good and it stayed down so that's all that matters. So when you turn 18 you get a lot of happy birthdays, comments, advice, etc from everyone you know. Now probably the best comment I got was from my dad's friend. He started his little speech by saying you know Brad you've turned 18 and then asked me if I knew what was next. Of course I assumed he was going to say a certain 3 letter word so that's what I said. I was wrong. He went on to tell me that after 18 there's nothing special until you hit 65. 16 is monumental because you start to drive, and 18 because of smoking, drinking, voting, etc. He finished his bit of advice by saying that 65 is monumental because you get your pension. He also threw in that sure you get married and have kids but thats nothing special, when you turn 30 and 40 nothing happens, and when you turn 50 all you do is hope you make it to 65. Now I found this all pretty amusing especially when his wife looked at him. Some would say that's pessimestic and that he's not an optimist. In fact someone pointed that out to him and he replied by saying he was a realist. Overall not a bad night considering there was no one my age there. Some people even supported The Get Brad in the Sky Again Fund and The Buy Brad a Pair of Curling Shoes Fund.
So Friday was Youth Group. I gotta say that's some good times there. Makes me feel like I'm 10 again, which is cool. Makes me forget about all that graduating, moving away, etc stuff. After Youth Group I went guessed it Adrienne's place!
Saturday I had to put up Christmas lights. It was sorta funny when I was looking for a ladder or something in the furthest place away from the house when I started hearing all this screaming. I thought Julie had fallen off the roof but apparently she was just yelling at Dad about how she thought I was given special treatment compared to her and blah blah. I get a kick out of her outbursts. In the afternoon I had to go to town to deliver phonebooks which was a giant annoyance.
When I got home however. Since my birthday is on Tuesday, mother dearest of course figured I should have the family supper dealio. After supper my godfather and I had some business to take care of. When I was in the womb, he bet my mom a bottle of rye that I'd be born after December 1st. Let's just say he was wrong and he bought the bottle. Now my mom didn't drink this bottle. No they made an agreement that on my 18th I'd drink it with my godfather. So we drank it. It went down fairly good and it stayed down so that's all that matters. So when you turn 18 you get a lot of happy birthdays, comments, advice, etc from everyone you know. Now probably the best comment I got was from my dad's friend. He started his little speech by saying you know Brad you've turned 18 and then asked me if I knew what was next. Of course I assumed he was going to say a certain 3 letter word so that's what I said. I was wrong. He went on to tell me that after 18 there's nothing special until you hit 65. 16 is monumental because you start to drive, and 18 because of smoking, drinking, voting, etc. He finished his bit of advice by saying that 65 is monumental because you get your pension. He also threw in that sure you get married and have kids but thats nothing special, when you turn 30 and 40 nothing happens, and when you turn 50 all you do is hope you make it to 65. Now I found this all pretty amusing especially when his wife looked at him. Some would say that's pessimestic and that he's not an optimist. In fact someone pointed that out to him and he replied by saying he was a realist. Overall not a bad night considering there was no one my age there. Some people even supported The Get Brad in the Sky Again Fund and The Buy Brad a Pair of Curling Shoes Fund.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
My 10 Favourite Things
Here are my 10 Favourite Things. I tried to keep them in some sort of order but some won't be in order. I also tried to cut down on the cheese factor but yeah that's hard.
1. Adrienne
2. The fact that I live in freedom in the greatest country in the world.
3. Flying because it is the ultimate freedom and high.
4. Grilled cheese.
5. Cows because they are responsible for steak, cheeseburgers, milk, ice cream, etc.
6. Snowmobiling because it's the 2nd best mode of transportation behind flying and because it's Canadian.
7. Eyes because they allow me to see a lot of amazing things like beautiful eyes, the sky, nice planes, nice cars, etc.
8. My awesome friends and family and all over their awesomeness.
9. Being able to give back to society for example when I take kids flying for the first time in their lives. That's me giving back to the program that gave me my wings.
10. Being reminded that I'm not as old as I feel sometimes and that I'm really just a kid who's life is just beginning.
1. Adrienne
2. The fact that I live in freedom in the greatest country in the world.
3. Flying because it is the ultimate freedom and high.
4. Grilled cheese.
5. Cows because they are responsible for steak, cheeseburgers, milk, ice cream, etc.
6. Snowmobiling because it's the 2nd best mode of transportation behind flying and because it's Canadian.
7. Eyes because they allow me to see a lot of amazing things like beautiful eyes, the sky, nice planes, nice cars, etc.
8. My awesome friends and family and all over their awesomeness.
9. Being able to give back to society for example when I take kids flying for the first time in their lives. That's me giving back to the program that gave me my wings.
10. Being reminded that I'm not as old as I feel sometimes and that I'm really just a kid who's life is just beginning.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Scaring kids, hanging out, and dodging snow showers over southern Manitoba
Ok let's start with Friday. Now I can't remember what exactly I did with the majority of my Friday. Obviously it wasn't to exciting. I do remember what I did Friday night. Friday night I worked at the haunted house, which was enjoyable. I know I could have been other places but at least the haunted house wasn't the worst place I could have been. I scared a few kids and the odd parent.
Saturday was my do home work and other stuff day. Once my home work and other stuff was done I headed over to Adrienne's. That was pretty awesome. We hung out, watched some movies, and such. Then I left for home home, which would normally mean I go to sleep however when I arrived at my house it was locked. However that isn't the story I was wanting to tell. For some reason I was hungry when I got home. But here's the catch. All the food is upstairs. That presented two problems. Stairs and the fact that everyone except me lives upstairs and I didn't wanna wake anyone up. So I just went to the freezer looking for a fudgicle or something because someone ate all the crackers and stuff downstairs. There was no fudgicles. There was ice cream but I had no spoon. So I dug around looking for a spoon in this box of plastic cutlery I found downstairs. All I found was forks. So I scooped ice cream with two forks into a plastic cup and ate ice cream. Then I went to bed. That's my lame story for the day.
Today or as I like to call it Sunday I woke up bright and early. After starting my day with a bowl of Froot Loops I hit the snowy road on my way to Brandon. I figured we wouldn't fly because I was driving through a blizzard. By the time I got to Hamiota there was no sign of snow and by the time I got to Rapid City it was a blizzard again. When I got to Brandon there was no snow. Once we realized the kids we were supposed to take flying weren't showing up we prepped to go to Gimli. So we took off for Gimli and the first thing that happened was that it started snowing. We made it through that but by the time we hit Portage there was snow and clouds so we spent some time diving and climbing in and around a million different clouds. Then suddenly Gimli appeared, the sun came out, and the wind disappeared. Then obviously I made my way home from Gimli. The end. Now I'm going to bed before I pass out on the keyboard.
Saturday was my do home work and other stuff day. Once my home work and other stuff was done I headed over to Adrienne's. That was pretty awesome. We hung out, watched some movies, and such. Then I left for home home, which would normally mean I go to sleep however when I arrived at my house it was locked. However that isn't the story I was wanting to tell. For some reason I was hungry when I got home. But here's the catch. All the food is upstairs. That presented two problems. Stairs and the fact that everyone except me lives upstairs and I didn't wanna wake anyone up. So I just went to the freezer looking for a fudgicle or something because someone ate all the crackers and stuff downstairs. There was no fudgicles. There was ice cream but I had no spoon. So I dug around looking for a spoon in this box of plastic cutlery I found downstairs. All I found was forks. So I scooped ice cream with two forks into a plastic cup and ate ice cream. Then I went to bed. That's my lame story for the day.
Today or as I like to call it Sunday I woke up bright and early. After starting my day with a bowl of Froot Loops I hit the snowy road on my way to Brandon. I figured we wouldn't fly because I was driving through a blizzard. By the time I got to Hamiota there was no sign of snow and by the time I got to Rapid City it was a blizzard again. When I got to Brandon there was no snow. Once we realized the kids we were supposed to take flying weren't showing up we prepped to go to Gimli. So we took off for Gimli and the first thing that happened was that it started snowing. We made it through that but by the time we hit Portage there was snow and clouds so we spent some time diving and climbing in and around a million different clouds. Then suddenly Gimli appeared, the sun came out, and the wind disappeared. Then obviously I made my way home from Gimli. The end. Now I'm going to bed before I pass out on the keyboard.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Math test, grad meeting, and all those other good times I have.
Had a math test today. I nearly conquered it. 76% will have to do. Math sure isn't what it used to be. Back in the day a 76% = bad. Now 76% = good. The times sure have changed.
The grad meeting was actually quite pleasant. Grad meetings haven't become the torture I envisioned them to be. Oh well we still have lots of time for that to happen. We finally decided on a caterer and a picture taker and hoodies. Now I have to decide on who I want in my pictures!?
Tomorrow is cadets and ground school. Ground school should be good. I've got a decent group of wannabe pilots showing up. Friday I'm working the haunted house so that the grad class can get a nice little donation. I can see that being fun. Supposedly all I have to do is be scary. Shouldn't be hard. Saturday is my prep day for the glider cross country on Sunday. So that consists of getting rested, doing my home work so I can go see Adrienne, and then seeing Adrienne. Sunday is the cross-country to Gimli from Brandon. Should be two hours of freezing fun. It'll be a good experience though and maybe I'll get to do one in the summer next year.
The grad meeting was actually quite pleasant. Grad meetings haven't become the torture I envisioned them to be. Oh well we still have lots of time for that to happen. We finally decided on a caterer and a picture taker and hoodies. Now I have to decide on who I want in my pictures!?
Tomorrow is cadets and ground school. Ground school should be good. I've got a decent group of wannabe pilots showing up. Friday I'm working the haunted house so that the grad class can get a nice little donation. I can see that being fun. Supposedly all I have to do is be scary. Shouldn't be hard. Saturday is my prep day for the glider cross country on Sunday. So that consists of getting rested, doing my home work so I can go see Adrienne, and then seeing Adrienne. Sunday is the cross-country to Gimli from Brandon. Should be two hours of freezing fun. It'll be a good experience though and maybe I'll get to do one in the summer next year.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Living in bed
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in your bed for a week. Just taking a week off and living in your bed with no worries. First of all you'd never be tired because you'd be in bed. Second of all you really wouldn't have to worry about eating much because you wouldn't do anything to burn the energy needed to get an appetite. The only problem I can really see is that you'd have no way of going to the bathroom unless you left the bed. If you needed food or water you could just get someone to bring it. Also what would you do if you spent a week living in your bed. First of all I'd sleep a lot. I'd also read and listen to music. I'd probably get one of them portable DVD players and watch movies to. I think you'd also find out who your true friends were to. Your true friends would be over trying to get you out of bed or they'd at least visit. Anyways that's about all I could think of when I was trying to do my math home work. It didn't make sense and I just wanted to go to sleep. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go to sleep and catch up on sleeping. Something I seem to get less and less of as the year goes on.
Whoa! Flying is so cool! Ya I know kid I can see my breath and it's making it hard for me to fly!
So that was me being saucy with a young cadet after they told me how cool they thought flying was. Normally I'd agree with them. I love flying. However I'm also human and I enjoy being warm and flying this weekend meant being cold. At one point I was wearing snow boots in the glider and on Saturday night I had to go buy more clothes. So that was my Saturday and Sunday in a nutshell.
Now here's the most important happening of the last week. At least for me! I asked Adrienne out! She said yes and the rest is awesome. That was Thursday night at the school. Later that night cadets was finished I went to Adrienne's and we hung out. The next day I rolled around in bed in a semi-conscious state for a few hours, got up, filled out some forms, made some phone calls, did some home work, and called it an afternoon at home. Then it was progessive suppering time. I sure wish I would have known about this deal along time ago. It was awesome! So overall from Thursday on this week has been incredible. Except for the freezing and odd nasty look at certain times. But hey it's all good!
Now here's the most important happening of the last week. At least for me! I asked Adrienne out! She said yes and the rest is awesome. That was Thursday night at the school. Later that night cadets was finished I went to Adrienne's and we hung out. The next day I rolled around in bed in a semi-conscious state for a few hours, got up, filled out some forms, made some phone calls, did some home work, and called it an afternoon at home. Then it was progessive suppering time. I sure wish I would have known about this deal along time ago. It was awesome! So overall from Thursday on this week has been incredible. Except for the freezing and odd nasty look at certain times. But hey it's all good!
Monday, October 16, 2006
18 in 22. What would Danko, Hawkeye, or Franny do?
So I'm 18 in 22 days.
The what would all those ppl do has to do with this dilema I'm currently having. I don't know about you folks but I usually like to think about what someone else would do in a situation. So far that scheme isn't getting me very far. It's not really a great dilema to be in though I'm sure I'm making it harder then it needs to be. I just hope everyone comes out happy in the end.
Tomorrow is a university dealy in Strathclair. Should be good because it means I only have English class. It also means I may be able to ask some questions about some university stuff. I also have band but I don't consider good times like those to be class.
The what would all those ppl do has to do with this dilema I'm currently having. I don't know about you folks but I usually like to think about what someone else would do in a situation. So far that scheme isn't getting me very far. It's not really a great dilema to be in though I'm sure I'm making it harder then it needs to be. I just hope everyone comes out happy in the end.
Tomorrow is a university dealy in Strathclair. Should be good because it means I only have English class. It also means I may be able to ask some questions about some university stuff. I also have band but I don't consider good times like those to be class.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Bringing y'all up to speed
So this is more for you folks who aren't around me much and don't know what I've done lately. So yeah we'll flash back to Friday. Friday was the mini-summit in Strath. Good times because it meant no class. Plus Philly-D had a very good message about being yourself and to not stop trying. So when I got home I had to work which meant I had to decline a supper invite. So I finished up my work around 8 which was half an hour longer then I had hoped. I then proceded to have probably the fastest shower of my life excluding the two minute timed shower after my solo bush excercise on Survival Instructor. After this I then headed over to Lennox's for Youth Group. I was surprised how much fun I had play mission impossible. It's been so long since I've gotten in touch with my youth. Lately life has been focused on becoming an adult and all that associated stuff. So it was nice to be a kid again. So after Youth Group was done I stayed around. I attempted to start a fire but I was sorta cold so I didn't put much effort into that. Luckily someone decided we'd be better off watching a movie. Then the movie was done and we ended up talking till 2 about everything from romance to Student Council business.
Now lets move on to Saturday. Techically we already moved on to it but anyhoo. I woke up and worked the kitchen at the hall for 2 or so hours. Then I waited for an hour to attempt to buy a moped at the auction sale but had to give up when I realized I had to be at the rink to play for jazz band. So we played for the Royal Bank folks and then a small group of us (Jodi, Alle, and Ethan) went to my place where we ate some pizza and watched some movies. I'm now officially calling it a night and going to my bed. Hopefully I wake up in the same spot I went to sleep in unlike this morning when I woke up on the opposite side of the bed. Who knows what that's all about.
Now lets move on to Saturday. Techically we already moved on to it but anyhoo. I woke up and worked the kitchen at the hall for 2 or so hours. Then I waited for an hour to attempt to buy a moped at the auction sale but had to give up when I realized I had to be at the rink to play for jazz band. So we played for the Royal Bank folks and then a small group of us (Jodi, Alle, and Ethan) went to my place where we ate some pizza and watched some movies. I'm now officially calling it a night and going to my bed. Hopefully I wake up in the same spot I went to sleep in unlike this morning when I woke up on the opposite side of the bed. Who knows what that's all about.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I need a holiday
So I've decided a holiday would be great. Not that I'm over worked or anything. It's just that I dunno. Lately I've been feeling like an idiot at school. I get all the material but when it comes to test time I screw up. Plus my life feels incredibly busy. There always seems to be something going on. Which is nice. I enjoy being busy. However I would really like a holiday. Just a chance to sit around and do nothing. Have all my work caught up which it almost is except for that correspondance course which I've barely even opened. Well actually if I had this said holiday I think I'd do more then sit around and do nothing. Maybe I'd go for a walk, or go quadding or something. I dunno. Oh and all this university stuff. That stuff is just piling up. I've got a million applications to fill out for scholarships and different universities. Anyway that's really all I have to say. Hopefully it made sense.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
So I was thinking. You know when you're joking around with someone and you say "I'm just joshing ya". Do you say that if you're joking around with someone who has the name Josh. Because I'm pretty sure if anyone is doing the Joshing it would be a person named Josh and not you or I. Seriously. Think about it. If anyone knows about Joshing it would be someone who is a Josh. Also why do we say Joshing? Why not Bradding, or Kaitlaning, Johning, etc?
Oh so today at school I had to do two presidential duties. One of them which was sorta blah. That being having to cancel the school dance to prevent utter failure. The fun one being giving the principal a haircut because the school raised enough money in the Terry Fox Run. Considering I've must have had my head shaved well over the 100 times I know very little about actually cutting the hair. Oh and before we brought out the electric clippers we used a hedge clipper to cut the hair. Very amusing.
Oh so today at school I had to do two presidential duties. One of them which was sorta blah. That being having to cancel the school dance to prevent utter failure. The fun one being giving the principal a haircut because the school raised enough money in the Terry Fox Run. Considering I've must have had my head shaved well over the 100 times I know very little about actually cutting the hair. Oh and before we brought out the electric clippers we used a hedge clipper to cut the hair. Very amusing.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Merry Thanksgiving!
So anyways Happy Thanksgiving y'all. I spent today writing an essay and doing farm work. I probably should have focused more on math but oh well. I'd really prefer not to go to school tomorrow but I guess that isn't an option.
So I have one thing I'd like to bring up. It's about anonymous commenters. Call me crazy but I've noticed that a fair portion of their comments involve a Lennox sister and me. First was do you like Adri comment, then the are you asking Jodi to be your escort, and finally the stop trying to get into Alle's pants comment. Can I ask why you anonymous commenters comment on this? Feel free to comment anonymously again on this topic.
So I have one thing I'd like to bring up. It's about anonymous commenters. Call me crazy but I've noticed that a fair portion of their comments involve a Lennox sister and me. First was do you like Adri comment, then the are you asking Jodi to be your escort, and finally the stop trying to get into Alle's pants comment. Can I ask why you anonymous commenters comment on this? Feel free to comment anonymously again on this topic.
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now on to Friday night! Friday night I went over to Katey's. It was a pretty fun night. We did the usual hanging out, watching movies, and such gig. The only downside was that I didn't get much sleep Friday night but that's the price I'm willing to pay to have fun both on Friday nights and Saturdays. So obviously I had this lack of sleep because I woke up to go gliding. Now what a day that was. There was 6 staff showed up. The maintenance folks had left the master switch on in the towplane. (The master is the switch that turns all the electrical stuff on). So with the master on that meant a dead battery. No big deal airplanes can be started by hand. We got the plane started and found out that the battery would not recharge on it's own so we had to shut the plane down and recharge the battery. While all of this was happening 30 cadets showed up for glider rides and the weather kept progressing towards total badness. Eventually we got the towplane back into running order and we started the flying. Luckily the winds weren't bad. The clouds on the other hand were another story. That made getting towed exciting. Had to get towed around clouds, had to descend while on tow to go under clouds, and had to get towed through rain. Eventually the clouds and rain made us stop flying the gliders and we just gave the rest of the kids towplane rides.
Sunday the weather was to bad from the start so we didn't glide. I came home and cleaned the basement. Then we had Thanksgiving festivities with the family and here we are at 11:02PM on a Sunday night. I think I'm going to bed now or very soon.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Great Barbecue Disaster of October 4th, 2006
There really wasn't a disaster but I thought that would be a funny title. There was a small dispute over the purchase of a barbecue for the grad raffle. One person out of fourteen decided to suddenly care on where the aforementioned barbecue was purchased. Unfortunately this caring streak came through after it was purchased causing many to think we should return it and causing upset between a few people. I found it all amusing how people reacted over such a petty little thing. Why must people be so petty? I don't know and I'm not sure I want to know. Though I have to say I'm surprised that everyone for the most part kept their composure. I'm still waiting for an earth shattering dispute to flare up about something involving graduation.
For all of you who ask or wonder about who I'm choosing for my grad escort. I have no idea who I'm choosing. I've sorta got it narrowed down but since grad is 8 months or so away I'll be taking my time to narrow it down to one lucky or unlucky individual lady. By narrowed down I mean down to about 5-10 ladies.
So that's all for today folks. I almost wish I had problems or something to seriously blog about. I don't so instead I talk about my boring days in secondary education.
For all of you who ask or wonder about who I'm choosing for my grad escort. I have no idea who I'm choosing. I've sorta got it narrowed down but since grad is 8 months or so away I'll be taking my time to narrow it down to one lucky or unlucky individual lady. By narrowed down I mean down to about 5-10 ladies.
So that's all for today folks. I almost wish I had problems or something to seriously blog about. I don't so instead I talk about my boring days in secondary education.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
So I was going to talk about imagining something sort of funny but when I thought of the word "imagine" it made me remember one of my favourite songs. That song being Imagine by John Lennon. I highly recommend listening to it and "imagining" what he asks you to imagine. In the song Lennon asks the listeners to imagine what the world would be like with no religion, countries, heaven, hell, possessions, etc. Very powerful stuff and some very powerful thoughts can come from listening to the song. Some people think it's a horrible song because it's against a lot of stuff common to our society but I think it's worth a listen. In fact after 9/11 it was put on to a list of songs not recommended for playing on radio stations. I also believe some radio stations refused to play it when it debuted due to it's very liberal message. Anyways on to some lighter imagining.
So today in physics I was showing someone a question and giving them some help sorta. This person made some comment about me being smart and I said nah not really and this person likes to joke around and they said something about making love to gain some of my smarts. This sort of thing is very common coming out of this person's mouth. That's neither here nor there though. Just imagine though that if you held someone's hand or kissed them or something along those lines if you could get some of their intelligence or positive traits? Just imagine. Of course this could go both ways and you could get their stupidity and negative traits but hey you can't win everything.
So today in physics I was showing someone a question and giving them some help sorta. This person made some comment about me being smart and I said nah not really and this person likes to joke around and they said something about making love to gain some of my smarts. This sort of thing is very common coming out of this person's mouth. That's neither here nor there though. Just imagine though that if you held someone's hand or kissed them or something along those lines if you could get some of their intelligence or positive traits? Just imagine. Of course this could go both ways and you could get their stupidity and negative traits but hey you can't win everything.
Monday, October 02, 2006
In my procrastination to do home work I started doing blogspot quizzes
***Your Birthdate: November 7***
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Call me crazy but is that not the truth?
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You Are a Natural Flirt |
What Kind of Flirt Are You?
Your Hidden Talent |
Call me crazy but is that not the truth?
Petty Things
So tonight was the first parent/grad graduation meeting. All I can say was that I wish I could get the time back. Nothing really exciting happened. We told the parents what's going on and then the parents wanted to make sure we changed a few little things which I consider to be petty. Like trying to shorten the ceremonies. Pretty sure they aren't going to get any shorter. Stuff like that. Tomorrow is a meeting about curling provincials and that's about it. Had Jazz Band today and that kid I sit beside drives me up the wall. Usually I either get along with people or I can tolerate and ignore them. Not this kid. He just won't shut up.
FYI Adrienne and I are running off to some foreign country where it's always warm to build a log cabin and live on a white sand beach. We're also getting married while we're at it. Just thought I'd let y'all know!
FYI Adrienne and I are running off to some foreign country where it's always warm to build a log cabin and live on a white sand beach. We're also getting married while we're at it. Just thought I'd let y'all know!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I'm a blog geek
I'm a blog geek and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm so geeky I put in all those links. So yeah that's all I really have to say.
My weekend..........
My weekend. Well my weekend started pretty much after physics class on Friday. Did the Terry Fox Run and then I left school early to work on my car. Then I got a phone call to go to Lennox's so I was all over that because staying at home is a drag. So yeah went over there for awhile.
So let's skip to Saturday. Saturday was gliding or as I like to call it "my life". So I took 5 kids flying and then I started doing my backseat conversion training! I only got to do one flight because the tail wheel on the towplane went flat. However it was really awesome and supposedly I did good according to the instructor. I definitely didn't land very good but the instructor didn't care because he couldn't feel it in the front. The only negative to this back seat stuff is that there's no one to do my flight test for it when the time comes but supposedly they're going to find someone for me to do the test with. Today I did three flights and got to take cadets from Strathclair up which was cool. But anyways I really don't have much else to say and I'm sorta drained from standing outside all day.
So let's skip to Saturday. Saturday was gliding or as I like to call it "my life". So I took 5 kids flying and then I started doing my backseat conversion training! I only got to do one flight because the tail wheel on the towplane went flat. However it was really awesome and supposedly I did good according to the instructor. I definitely didn't land very good but the instructor didn't care because he couldn't feel it in the front. The only negative to this back seat stuff is that there's no one to do my flight test for it when the time comes but supposedly they're going to find someone for me to do the test with. Today I did three flights and got to take cadets from Strathclair up which was cool. But anyways I really don't have much else to say and I'm sorta drained from standing outside all day.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Another long one
Sorry Michele but it's another long one! But hey Court likes the substance! So rock on! Let's start with the funnies. Some of you know that I really enjoy my comics. I enjoy them so much I can tell you what's going on in most of them as if they're my favourite tv show. One of my favourites is Dilbert. Today Dilbert was so good I had to cut it out and scan it. Here it is!
This comic is to true. That's all I'm going to say about it. Absolutely hilarious in my opinion.
So now on to the not so cool stuff. Cadets. Ahh I remember a time when I loved it so much. Now I'm in a different time. The organization I once loved is the one I know loathe. Every week someone has to do something stupid causing problems for me. The majority of my friends are gone and I'm the last one out of all the people I joined with that is still in cadets. It just seems like a drag these days. It's sorta sad that it has become this way but oh well. In a few months I'll be done forever.
Now I'm going to speak metaphorically for this last bit. You ever had something knock on your door that you didn't want to knock on your door? I think I have that right now but I'm not sure how to get it to go away.
Anyways tomorrow is Friday which is fanflippintastic because that means the next day is Saturday which means flying and on Sunday the cadets from Strath are going flying and I get to take them up so that should be sweet. Anywayssssss I think it's bed time!

So now on to the not so cool stuff. Cadets. Ahh I remember a time when I loved it so much. Now I'm in a different time. The organization I once loved is the one I know loathe. Every week someone has to do something stupid causing problems for me. The majority of my friends are gone and I'm the last one out of all the people I joined with that is still in cadets. It just seems like a drag these days. It's sorta sad that it has become this way but oh well. In a few months I'll be done forever.
Now I'm going to speak metaphorically for this last bit. You ever had something knock on your door that you didn't want to knock on your door? I think I have that right now but I'm not sure how to get it to go away.
Anyways tomorrow is Friday which is fanflippintastic because that means the next day is Saturday which means flying and on Sunday the cadets from Strath are going flying and I get to take them up so that should be sweet. Anywayssssss I think it's bed time!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ahhhh retirement. So I played my last high school soccer game tonight which means I'm officially retired from high school soccer. I must say I'm sad about it. We had a good run this year. Sure we didn't win any games but we played the best we could with what we had. So my last game was against St. Lazare. We didn't win but we started off with the lead but when you have no subs you can't expect to keep it forever. We ended up losing 3-1. I also got a yellow card. I may be a lover and not a fighter but let's just say I'm prepared to do what it takes to get the job done. Anyways I'm really tired and I have home work to do so I'll go do that.
Monday, September 25, 2006
I'll try and make it short
So everyone's been saying my blogs are sorta long and more like novels then brief summaries of my boring life. So I'm now going to make an effort to not drag things out too much. So I think I'll go backwards in time. I'll start with the goodest of the news. I passed my first math test with an awesome mark. Why is this good news? It's good news because I was 100% for sure that I had flunked it and that mother would cut my flying off. Today we had a soccer game in Birtle. We lost which really was no surprise but the score was 1-0 for them so not bad at all. Much better then our previous games.
Now jumping to my weekend which I'm sure no one will find exciting but I know I do so I'm going to talk about it. We'll start with Saturday because Friday was meh. Saturday morning I woke up real early like normal and didn't eat to much because I figured we'd have lunch while we were on the field. Boy was I wrong. I didn't see another meal to 8 at night. I was so desperate for food I stole cold McDonald's fries from Raylene. The good part about all of this was the crazy amount of flying I did. I flew 14 flights on Saturday which is more then I've ever flown in a single day. I even taught a few kids how to do coordinated turns and level flight in the glider. Needless to say my ego became inflated. Sunday was pretty cool to. I only flew 5 times because we had less people to fly. All of that flying brought my total amount of glider flights to 130 and I have 19:28 hours of Pilot-in-Command time which means that I'm almost eligible to become an instructor if I ever become a cadet officer.
That's all for now folks. Wednesday is a home game against St. Lazare and possibly my last soccer game as a high school student. Thursday is cadets. Friday is Friday and the weekend is flying.
Now jumping to my weekend which I'm sure no one will find exciting but I know I do so I'm going to talk about it. We'll start with Saturday because Friday was meh. Saturday morning I woke up real early like normal and didn't eat to much because I figured we'd have lunch while we were on the field. Boy was I wrong. I didn't see another meal to 8 at night. I was so desperate for food I stole cold McDonald's fries from Raylene. The good part about all of this was the crazy amount of flying I did. I flew 14 flights on Saturday which is more then I've ever flown in a single day. I even taught a few kids how to do coordinated turns and level flight in the glider. Needless to say my ego became inflated. Sunday was pretty cool to. I only flew 5 times because we had less people to fly. All of that flying brought my total amount of glider flights to 130 and I have 19:28 hours of Pilot-in-Command time which means that I'm almost eligible to become an instructor if I ever become a cadet officer.
That's all for now folks. Wednesday is a home game against St. Lazare and possibly my last soccer game as a high school student. Thursday is cadets. Friday is Friday and the weekend is flying.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Nothing really
So I'm doing some procrastinating at the moment. I should be doing something useful but I'm not. So anyways nothing really new at the moment. Had a real craptastic math test today. The only excitement I've had lately and it's more frustarating then exciting is this anonymous commenter. Who ever it is should just suck it up and admit to who they are. If someone has a question like that for me then they should feel free to just ask me without having to hide. I'm not going to get mad at someone for asking. So the anonymous person appears to have disappeared because they haven't commented in a while. I don't care if the anonymous person tells the world who they are but it would be nice if they at least told me.
Well this weekend is gliding. Should be super or so I hope. I really don't want another flightless weekend. I seriously wonder if Mother Nature hates me sometimes. Tomorrow the cadets from Dauphin fly and on Sunday it's Neepawa. Hopefully I get lots of time in because I'm starting to get withdrawal from the lack of flying in my life. So I think that's all. Next week is just going to be a normal school week with little excitement except for a soccer game in Birtle and a home game in SL against St. Lazare.
Well this weekend is gliding. Should be super or so I hope. I really don't want another flightless weekend. I seriously wonder if Mother Nature hates me sometimes. Tomorrow the cadets from Dauphin fly and on Sunday it's Neepawa. Hopefully I get lots of time in because I'm starting to get withdrawal from the lack of flying in my life. So I think that's all. Next week is just going to be a normal school week with little excitement except for a soccer game in Birtle and a home game in SL against St. Lazare.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My Day Off
So today there was no school which was pretty cool. Except now we have to go back to school to finish the week off. Who plans a holiday in the middle of the week? That's ridiculous. But anyways. Lastnight after Shoal Lake's defeat to Hamiota I went to Lennox's. But before I get into that I'd like to talk a little about the defeat. We lost hardcore but it was a good game. We didn't have any subs so the only rest we got was when the ball got kicked far away from the field. I nearly put my foot in some kid's mouth. Slightly funny and slightly not funny because he was inches from not having teeth. I had some pretty awesome kicks and that's about it for our defeat.
So after the game I went to Lennox's. That was pretty cool because it's been awhile since I've done much relaxing. We watched some movies and ran around outside for awhile. Today I slept in just like I said I would. I slept in until 10 which is something I haven't done in months. Then I helped Dad do some odd jobs. Then I had to write a love letter from English class. That was a challenge. I can't even write a love letter to a real girl let alone some girl out of a story. I also cleaned the house a bit and did some math.
While we're on the topic of math. Have you ever taken five minutes and just thought what the world would be like with out math? First of all school would be much easier, there wouldn't be so much greed, and you wouldn't know how many times something negative happened to you. On the flipside you wouldn't know how many good times you had, how many good friends you have, etc. But just imagine.......
Anyways really looking forward to the weekend because well it means flying and that I've finished my first Pre-Calc test and hopefully didn't fail it. That's all for now!
So after the game I went to Lennox's. That was pretty cool because it's been awhile since I've done much relaxing. We watched some movies and ran around outside for awhile. Today I slept in just like I said I would. I slept in until 10 which is something I haven't done in months. Then I helped Dad do some odd jobs. Then I had to write a love letter from English class. That was a challenge. I can't even write a love letter to a real girl let alone some girl out of a story. I also cleaned the house a bit and did some math.
While we're on the topic of math. Have you ever taken five minutes and just thought what the world would be like with out math? First of all school would be much easier, there wouldn't be so much greed, and you wouldn't know how many times something negative happened to you. On the flipside you wouldn't know how many good times you had, how many good friends you have, etc. But just imagine.......
Anyways really looking forward to the weekend because well it means flying and that I've finished my first Pre-Calc test and hopefully didn't fail it. That's all for now!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Bad weekend to live in the troposphere
So this weekend was sorta poor for anyone who wanted to not be on the ground. So poor in fact I didn't leave the ground all weekend. Instead we worked on the gliding office in Brandon. Now I was a little skeptical about painting and stuccoing the roof and the like but in the end it was fun. Of course the sanding the mud part really wasn't that fun because the dust wasn't cool. Though the dust did make for some funny times. One of the guys looked up at the wrong time while sanding and got a face full of dust. Now this dust is pure white and he had it all over his nose and mouth so he looked like a crack addict. I managed to get a bunch in my hair so I looked like an old white haired man for a while. We then primed the office and went back to the hotel. Then we headed to Boston Pizza where nothing eventful happened. In fact the rest of the night was uneventful and I was asleep before 12 which is different for me. We woke up and painted the office and then I came home where I spent my day doing pretty much nothing. The only thing I accomplished was picking up the pile of clothes and magazines that had accumulated in my room over the past month.
Really excited for Wednesday because I'm going to do some hardcore napping. I also came across a copy of the new Red Hot Chilli Pepper's album. 2 very awesome CDs!
Really excited for Wednesday because I'm going to do some hardcore napping. I also came across a copy of the new Red Hot Chilli Pepper's album. 2 very awesome CDs!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Ladder + Hand = Ouch
So anyways my week has been pretty dull since about Tuesday after the soccer game. Wednesday was nothing special. Thursday was just soccer practice and cadets both of which went nice and smooth. Today (Friday) was easy because I had two classes plus band (I don't consider something that easy and fun as a class). In my spare I updated the sign at school which is where a little bit of excitement happened. Jordan Lee and I were setting up the ladder. This ladder is one of those ladders that slides back and forth to make it longer. That's the important part of this story. So we extended the ladder and locked it so it wouldn't slide or so we thought. As we were putting the ladder up it began to slide down and I had my hand conveniently in a spot where the ladder could slide down on to it. Let's just say it crashed down on my hand and now my hand hurts. It took of some skin and left a bump. At first it hurt and the pain went away but I took a nap because that's one of my favourite things to do and when I woke up it hurt. I'm going to assume by tomorrow morning it will hurt more and be swollen. Tomorrow and Sunday is gliding. Should be sweet unless the weather craps out. I think Carlyle, SK and Portage la Prairie are coming out for gliding so that should be good times. I've already decided that I'm sleeping in next Wednesday. Just thought I'd throw that out there for the public. Also maybe something should happen next Tuesday night to kill some of the on going boredom that happens at times these days.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So I was gonna go to bed but....
But I came up with something to blog about. That being my possible addiction to blogging. I just noticed that I do a lot of blogging. I take time out of almost everyday to do a little blog even if I have nothing exciting to say. I don't know if that counts as an addiction or just an obsession. I've also noticed I may have addictions to flying, girls, vanilla milk to go, and orange juice. Am I worried about any of this? No not at all. Not one bit. So yeah........what a useless blog........I'm gonna go now.......right now.......
Having a real hard time coming up with titles for my blogs........................
So not a whole lot to talk about but I'm sure I'll blabber on for a long time. So first soccer game today in Rossburn. I must say despite my out of shapeness I surprised myself at how well I did and possibly surprised the coach and some of my team members. We didn't win but we sure put up a good fight and I'm thinking we have a shot of winning against someone this year. Otherwise my life has consisted of home work and student council stuff. I updated the sign again at school today. That's my new job. I'm the sign guy. It's not really an interesting job but you know it's something to do. Anyways there's a bed calling me to sleep on it and I've ran out of witty things to say.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Coming together
So anyways things are starting to come together real good like with student council. We had our retreat and got a lot of stuff planned/accomplished. Now comes the hard part of trying to reach all of our goals but I think we can do it if we keep working like we did on the retreat.
Soccer was good except it's a constant reminder of how out of shape I am. In a surprise move I was made captain along with Shane at least for the first game tomorrow in Rossburn. That was a surprising move that sorta caught me off guard.
What else did I do lately. Cleaned the Bradmobile for my next series of adventures. To bad I don't know what sort of adventures I'm going on. Most likely some good times in Brandon during the upcoming weekends that I'll be spending there gliding. I got a phone call tonight from the newspaper. I guess someone told them I had become a pilot and they wanted an interview. I really didn't want to be in the spotlight but I couldn't be a jerk so I gave them an interview. In other news Alle called me weird for some weird reason but she says it's a good weird so that's cool because I enjoy my individuality more then most people do. I really can't wait till next weekend so that I can go flying because school is bit of a drag and being at home is just boring and doesn't get very excited. Anyways that's it for right now!
Soccer was good except it's a constant reminder of how out of shape I am. In a surprise move I was made captain along with Shane at least for the first game tomorrow in Rossburn. That was a surprising move that sorta caught me off guard.
What else did I do lately. Cleaned the Bradmobile for my next series of adventures. To bad I don't know what sort of adventures I'm going on. Most likely some good times in Brandon during the upcoming weekends that I'll be spending there gliding. I got a phone call tonight from the newspaper. I guess someone told them I had become a pilot and they wanted an interview. I really didn't want to be in the spotlight but I couldn't be a jerk so I gave them an interview. In other news Alle called me weird for some weird reason but she says it's a good weird so that's cool because I enjoy my individuality more then most people do. I really can't wait till next weekend so that I can go flying because school is bit of a drag and being at home is just boring and doesn't get very excited. Anyways that's it for right now!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Not bad, not bad at all........
So today was my first day gliding in Brandon. Brandon is a lot different then Yorkton. I miss Yorkton and knowing what was going on, etc. I'm catching on pretty fast. Most likely because of my experience at Yorkton. I just have to adapt to a new airport and a new set of people. The flying was great. I did four flights. I did an area check which was just getting flown around and shown everything. Then I did a proficiency check to make sure I can still fly. Don't worry I still got it! Then I did two solo flights which sort of confused me. Usually fam pilots like myself don't do solo flights because we get enough time flying kids around that we don't need to fly by ourselves. It was nice to have those two solos though. It gave me a chance to brush the rust off the flying skills so I'll be smooth for next weekend when I get back to giving young cadets glider rides. Really excited about that. I really missed the flying and hearing the stories that some of those kids come up with.
When I got home the house was mysteriously empty. I decided to think nothing of it and watch TV. That's when Dad showed up and informed me that the entire family was out in the field. That sorta confused me a bit because all of the vehicles were in the yard but that's neither here nor there. So I went to the elevator with a load of grain and then I combined. Now we only have one hour of combining left and we can then consider my career as an agricultural harvest technician over. Pretty nifty title I gave myself eh?
Tomorrow is the student council retreat. Should be a good time I'm thinking not to mention a learning experience for me. To bad it had to cut into my flying time. Oh well can't win em all! Soccer heats up this week a bit. A few practices and a game in Rossburn. I think our goal is to make it to play-offs again and win a game in play-offs. Let's hope for the best. Anyways I'm going to go get in touch with my domestic side and sew my new set of wings on to my flight suit so I can make myself look like some young hotshot pilot when I wear my flight suit.
When I got home the house was mysteriously empty. I decided to think nothing of it and watch TV. That's when Dad showed up and informed me that the entire family was out in the field. That sorta confused me a bit because all of the vehicles were in the yard but that's neither here nor there. So I went to the elevator with a load of grain and then I combined. Now we only have one hour of combining left and we can then consider my career as an agricultural harvest technician over. Pretty nifty title I gave myself eh?
Tomorrow is the student council retreat. Should be a good time I'm thinking not to mention a learning experience for me. To bad it had to cut into my flying time. Oh well can't win em all! Soccer heats up this week a bit. A few practices and a game in Rossburn. I think our goal is to make it to play-offs again and win a game in play-offs. Let's hope for the best. Anyways I'm going to go get in touch with my domestic side and sew my new set of wings on to my flight suit so I can make myself look like some young hotshot pilot when I wear my flight suit.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
My Day
Well I'd have to say my day was pretty grand today. To start it off I had band class today. I forgot how much I enjoyed that class. I also forgot how I become like a twelve year old boy in that class and start being a loud mouth. But anyways that's what makes band class so fun. Then I had pre-calc which was a drag but you can't win em all eh?! Physics got a little tough today but no big deal. Then in my spare some weird stuff began to happen. Well maybe not weird but definitely something I wasn't expecting. I was given an application for a scholarship. I thought that was unexpected. Second day back and I'm already working towards my first day of university. I also got my application form for U of M which is my back-up plan for my back-up plan as far as my plans for next year go. This all sort of caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting all of this stuff to start happening this early on. Student council meeting went fantastic. I think things are starting to really work out and I think I'm slowly starting to win over any of my critics! To end my day of school we had soccer practice. Felt like I was going to die a few times but slowly I'm getting back into shape. Besides the being out shape bit soccer practice went fantastic.
Then there was cadets. For some odd reason it went nearly flawless and everyone agreed with my plans. If they didn't agree then they didn't bother to do it vocally and will now have to live with them. Tough break for them I guess. We didn't get to many new cadets showing up but I imagine that we'll get more as the weeks go on. Hopefully kids start wearing their uniforms and such to.
So I've decided that I really like this leadership bit. I even enjoy the stress that comes with it. I don't know if I'm a good leader and personally I don't think I am but I dunno. I think joining the forces as an officer will be great. I'll be able to lead and do a job I'll thoroughly enjoy. So anyways that's about it for news. Gliding starts on Saturday and I'm really pumped to get back into the saddle. I guess it's more of a seat then a saddle but that's neither here nor there.
Then there was cadets. For some odd reason it went nearly flawless and everyone agreed with my plans. If they didn't agree then they didn't bother to do it vocally and will now have to live with them. Tough break for them I guess. We didn't get to many new cadets showing up but I imagine that we'll get more as the weeks go on. Hopefully kids start wearing their uniforms and such to.
So I've decided that I really like this leadership bit. I even enjoy the stress that comes with it. I don't know if I'm a good leader and personally I don't think I am but I dunno. I think joining the forces as an officer will be great. I'll be able to lead and do a job I'll thoroughly enjoy. So anyways that's about it for news. Gliding starts on Saturday and I'm really pumped to get back into the saddle. I guess it's more of a seat then a saddle but that's neither here nor there.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
So I'll make this completely useless and most likely goof ball blog short. Gill and I were discussing her time at university and the people I know that are going to U of S which is where she is. That's when we got into the discussion of normal. I mentioned one of my friends and she said she should try and meet him. That sounded pretty cool. Then Gill was like but won't it be weird if I meet him and just say I'm Brad's friend. I was like no not really because he's my friend and that takes a certain degree of oddness. Of course I was just kidding about it taking a certain degree of oddness to be my friend. Then Gill said that I was normal. So I was like fine Gill my friend and I are just two normal guys looking to hook up with girls. Gill was like well even though that is most likely true you should put it this way: "You're both just two young men looking to meet fine young ladies." From this day on I've decided that's how I'm going to run my love life. I'm just a young man looking to meet a fine young lady! So while we're on the topic anyone know any fine young ladies?
Last first day
So today was my last first day of high school. I would say the day was quite educational. It was neither a bad day or a good day just an educational day. So the first order of business was having the teachers tell us about all the rules of the school. The same rules that I've heard every year since Kindergarten. All together that's 13 times I've heard that speech. I won't be missing it. Then we had the first day back assembly. 13th time I've been through that as well. Happy it's not happening again for me. Then at lunch we had an executive meeting with the new teacher supervisor for the student council. That was interesting. Supposedly I was supposed to book transportation to our retreat. No one bothered to mention to me that we had to book trasnportation. So I appointed my vice-president to take care of that. He didn't like that but hey tough break for him. I also had to get the issue of signing authority taken care of because the previous council dragged their feet on that. It sort of feels like my council is going to over throw me in some horrible coup like the ones that happen in South American countries. I sorta understand where they are coming from though. I wouldn't like having the newest member on the council leading the council. Especially when his style of leadership is much different then the previous presidents. Oh well I'm sure everything will get all straightened out after the retreat is done. What else about the first day of school. Well classes were good. Math seems like it's going to be a drag. I switched back to taking French next semester. Band starts tomorrow. That should be some good times. To bad I completely forgot how to play the tuba. Not that I knew in the first place. Oh well. What else, what else, what else. Cadets starts tomorrow YAY not! Anyways I should go do my math home work or something else that needs to be done. I've got a whole bunch of little things to take care of but I seem to have fallen into the procastination hole. Possibly because I just spent the last two and a half weeks working and have lost the urge to do anything but sit on here and blog about this stuff and bore people to death.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Finally a whole lot of stuff. Actually not really but anyways. I finished that article I was talking about. Very interesting stuff. Did you know that in the majority of teenage relationships the girl holds the majority of power. Do I hear whips cracking? I believe that. I must admit I believe that the girls hold the power. I think the guys sorta volunteer to give the power in an attempt for harmony and to score browny points. But hey what do I know?!
So tomorrow may mark the last day I will ever do a full day of work during harvest in my life. Don't bust out the box of tissues though. Bust a move because I think it's time for a party to celebrate that fact!
So I spent an hour listening to CBC Radio One tonight. I listened to some program about the history of the bagpipes. Very interesting to find out that the Scottish are only a small part of the whole bagpipe phenomena. Also very interesting that I could be so bored on the combine that I would listen to a program about the history of the bagpipes.
So tomorrow may mark the last day I will ever do a full day of work during harvest in my life. Don't bust out the box of tissues though. Bust a move because I think it's time for a party to celebrate that fact!
So I spent an hour listening to CBC Radio One tonight. I listened to some program about the history of the bagpipes. Very interesting to find out that the Scottish are only a small part of the whole bagpipe phenomena. Also very interesting that I could be so bored on the combine that I would listen to a program about the history of the bagpipes.
Here's some real romantic comedy!

Sunday, September 03, 2006
So I was reading Time magazine....
So I was reading Time magazine and discovered that home work may possibly be bad for students! Who would have thought!? Supposedly it kills interest in learning instead of stimulating it like teachers hope it does. I highly suggest you read about it in Time magazine. They did some studies and found that in countries where students are given very little home work the students do better on standardized tests. I'm not sure where Canada stands in this whole discovery but our neighbours to the south aren't doing so well. I also discovered in my reading that teenage boys aren't in relationships for the you know what. Someone decided to do a study and discovered that teenage boys do have feelings and are very much into the love thing. I haven't finished reading the article but if I learn more I'll blabber about it tomorrow. Interesting?!
In other news it is only 65 days until I become an adult! Scary eh? That means it is only 58 days till Halloween. Give me one second while I check how many until Christmas. I have to find the link to the countdown clock I found! 112 days till Christmas.
So I guess all the university folks are going back or in some cases going for the first time. I'd just like to say how jealous I am because I really want to get out of here ASAP. Get in lots of trouble for me!
Oh here's a link to a cool website. Very funny comics about a stick man named Jim! Tres funny!
So winter is on the way and I'm getting pumped to start curling and skidooing again! Oh and hunting season is coming up to. Very exciting times coming up. I'm even excited about school except for that whole being the oldest and having to take calculus by correspondance, etc. Anyways take her easy gals and guys! And if she comes easy you know what to do......
In other news it is only 65 days until I become an adult! Scary eh? That means it is only 58 days till Halloween. Give me one second while I check how many until Christmas. I have to find the link to the countdown clock I found! 112 days till Christmas.
So I guess all the university folks are going back or in some cases going for the first time. I'd just like to say how jealous I am because I really want to get out of here ASAP. Get in lots of trouble for me!
Oh here's a link to a cool website. Very funny comics about a stick man named Jim! Tres funny!
So winter is on the way and I'm getting pumped to start curling and skidooing again! Oh and hunting season is coming up to. Very exciting times coming up. I'm even excited about school except for that whole being the oldest and having to take calculus by correspondance, etc. Anyways take her easy gals and guys! And if she comes easy you know what to do......
I enjoy picking my nose
So I couldn't think of a good title so I figured I would just entitle this blog what I did just to gross people out. I don't actually enjoy picking my nose. I actually find the nose to be quite an annoyance. It gets stuffed up, it runs, it bleeds, if you aren't careful eating ice cream you can get ice cream on it, etc. I just decided it has to be the most annoying body part ever. Fortunately it isn't the most useless. That title still goes to the appendix. Don't worry though when we go back to eating grass we'll be happy we kept it around.
So you know that issue with the "loose thoughts" that were bothering me. Consider it buried for good! YAY!
My tongue has not turned black or fuzzy from the drugs and I haven't noticed any bad side effects so that means I'm cleared for flying unless of course the side effects show up in the upcoming days. If all goes well I won't have acne. Of course no one wants to know about my medical going ons but it's the only interesting thing I have to talk about these days.
So I'm going to end my late night blog with some good news I heard on the radio the other day. Linkin Park is coming out with a new CD sometime soon. Late this year or early next year. I'm pretty excited about that.
So you know that issue with the "loose thoughts" that were bothering me. Consider it buried for good! YAY!
My tongue has not turned black or fuzzy from the drugs and I haven't noticed any bad side effects so that means I'm cleared for flying unless of course the side effects show up in the upcoming days. If all goes well I won't have acne. Of course no one wants to know about my medical going ons but it's the only interesting thing I have to talk about these days.
So I'm going to end my late night blog with some good news I heard on the radio the other day. Linkin Park is coming out with a new CD sometime soon. Late this year or early next year. I'm pretty excited about that.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It worked!
So I wanted to see if I could make that M*A*S*H thing appear and it did. So yeah about my day hmmmmmm.....Nothing really exciting happened. Both combines broke. One got fixed and the other one I had to run because I guess I'm a smooth operator and I'll keep it together until it gets fixed or something like that. Sometimes I hate being good at stuff. For example farm work because then Dad makes me do it instead of other family members or people working on the farm. So I think I may be done swathing for the rest of my entire life since I don't plan on farming or coming home to farm on the weekends when I go to university next year. Oh slightly funny combining story. I was going combining one swath of canola and noticed the other combine coming straight for me. In the dark I figured it was just that the combine was on the next swath and what ever. It wasn't on the next swath it was on the same swath as me. Since we're combining canola the combine can pick up the swath no matter which direction it's going and my uncle didn't realize he was on the wrong swath in the dark. That was my amusement for the day. Gliding starts next weekend and I'm super excited because I miss flying but I can't glide on Sunday because I have a student council retreat which should be an interesting experience. Gliding should be sweet though. Flying at a new airport should be exciting and maybe they'll let me start training to fly from the backseat. Anyways really hoping I don't screw up this president gig. I really don't need a revolt. That would look bad on my resume. I'd show up to a job interview and the interviewer would be like so you were president of your school until they all revolted. How was that for you? And I would be like pretty darn crappy Sir!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Stupid politicians
I just had to rant about this. So I was listening to the news today on the radio when it came to a bit about the war in Afghanistan. Jack Leighton the leader of the federal new democratic party made a comment on how Canadian soldiers should be pulled out of combat operations and put into peace building operations. Is he an idiot. Does he not realize that soldiers train for combat. That's their job buddy. They aren't diplomats who are supposed to "build peace". I just had to rant about his stupidity and how he wants Canada to run away now that the going has gotten tough.
Fuzzy Black Tongue
So ummm where to start today? Well let's start with my hair cut. I didn't really want to get my haircut but I sorta had to because I was looking pretty shaggy for cadets. So I asked to have enough hair left so I could look like a normal person for pictures. Let's just say I hope it grows fast. Then I went to the doctor in Hamiota to get my acne checked out. So you know how there's two waiting rooms right? The one you sit in and then the nurse takes you to the next one. So I was sitting in the one waiting room where they keep all the brochures. I couldn't help but notice that the most taken brochure was the herpes one. In fact there was none left. That made me laugh in my head for a bit. So after 45 minutes of waiting I finally saw the doctor. So he looked at my back and made a comment on the amount of acne. Then he wrote me a prescription and sent me on my way. So I went to the pharmacist next who then informed me of all the things I have to do while taking these drugs. That was all cool. So I got home and read the big thing of side effects. One of the possible side effects is a fuzzy black tongue! I thought that was sorta funny. Hopefully I don't get that side effect though. I could see that killing my already dead love life. I then spent the remainder of my day doing boring, slightly mindless, and dull farm work. Surprise, surprise. Everyday I hope that it rains or that school will eventually start and I won't have to work anymore.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Still haven't thought of anything profound
So the good news is I'm about one day away from never having to swath again in my life because this should hopefully be my last harvest if all goes well with school and life in the upcoming months. So I've thought of stuff to write on here but then I forgot it or it's to long to write in the short amount of time I'm giving myself because I want to go to bed soon. Tomorrow I'm going to go get my hair cut because that fourteen dollar haircut (big ripoff) I got in Winnipeg looks meh. You'd think haircuts in the city would be cheaper then in small town Manitoba but they aren't. That's my rant about haircut prices. Then I'm going to the doctor who will hopefully help me rid myself of that annoying acne problem which I won't get into. I believe in learning even if it's learning useless information. So today I've looked up a word my Dad used today because I wanted to know it's meaning. The word is harem. Give me one second while I copy and paste this from the dictionary.......
har‧em /ˈhɛərəm, ˈhær-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hair-uhm, har-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the part of a Muslim palace or house reserved for the residence of women.
the women in a Muslim household, including the mother, sisters, wives, concubines, daughters, entertainers, and servants.
Animal Behavior. a social group of females, as elephant seals, accompanied or followed by one fertile male who denies other males access to the group.
Facetious or Offensive. a group of women associated in any way with one man or household: Father joked that he had a harem of five daughters.
After finding out the meaning of the word I've discovered my father misused it in his sentence and I will most likely educate him on the meaning of the word the next time he uses it. I'm going to leave you all know with something funny I heard Mitch Hedberg (comedian) say: "I got tired of following my dreams so I just asked them where they were going so I could meet up with them later."
I had to stop what I was doing because I laughed so hard!
har‧em /ˈhɛərəm, ˈhær-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hair-uhm, har-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the part of a Muslim palace or house reserved for the residence of women.
the women in a Muslim household, including the mother, sisters, wives, concubines, daughters, entertainers, and servants.
Animal Behavior. a social group of females, as elephant seals, accompanied or followed by one fertile male who denies other males access to the group.
Facetious or Offensive. a group of women associated in any way with one man or household: Father joked that he had a harem of five daughters.
After finding out the meaning of the word I've discovered my father misused it in his sentence and I will most likely educate him on the meaning of the word the next time he uses it. I'm going to leave you all know with something funny I heard Mitch Hedberg (comedian) say: "I got tired of following my dreams so I just asked them where they were going so I could meet up with them later."
I had to stop what I was doing because I laughed so hard!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Almost there!
So I'm almost done swathing....I've only got like 600 more acres to go. I don't know how much that equals in time but it sounds a lot better then the last number I heard. Tomorrow once again I'll be doing farm work YAY! For some odd reason I'm excited to go to the doctor on Thursday. Probably because this trip to the doctor has the potential to get me out of work for a good portion of the day. What else is new? My aunt from Alberta is out and I got a letter from my buddy Kai. The letter managed to make me jealous because he went flying and I didn't. He did however send some cool pictures of us hotshots in our uniforms sporting our wings. Anyways yeah that's about it. Dad figures that harvest is going to be done around the 9th or 10th of September which is pretty sweet because it makes my life a whole heck of a lot easier. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time to write about something profound and unboring. For now I'll just show off a little poem about flying that is incredibly awesome. If you've ever flown a plane you'll totally appreciate it and even if you haven't flown one you probably will to.
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, —and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor ever eagle flew—
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
It was written by a Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr. who was an American serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War 2. He died shortly after writing the poem at age 19.
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, —and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor ever eagle flew—
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
It was written by a Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr. who was an American serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War 2. He died shortly after writing the poem at age 19.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Can't think of a title so here it goes....
I'm not even going to tell you all what I spent my day doing because I'm pretty sure you all know. I did get to go to town today! You know your life is sad when going to the elevator and to get swather parts in town is the highlight of your day. So tomorrow I have guessed it swath. The boredom is killer, it's lonely, noisy, and it smells like mice and bounce sheets. So I'm pretty excited about school starting so that I can interact with people face to face. Oh and to top off a dull, boring day the grease gun exploded as I was loading the grease gun tube into it. The stupid thing managed to get grease all over itself and my hands. At least all this work will hopefully equal some money for flying and other assorted good times. So I must have had a million profound thoughts today that I should/could write about but I can't remember them and I'm tired. So I'm going to go to bed and hope that maybe I'll wake up and all the farm work will be done. I'm thinking I'd be better off with a lottery ticket then that wish. But before I go to bed I'm going to regale you in some sorta slightly funny flying jokes.
Oh I've got a question for y'all!? How do you know you have a pilot at your party? He'll tell you!!
Here's another goof ball flying related joke.
How do you know your date with a pilot is half over? He'll say "Well enough about me let's talk about my plane!"
This last little bit of humour is courtesy of my room mate from camp. Let's just say it discusses my two favourite things and why sometimes it's easier to prefer one over the other.
Why Pilots Prefer Airplanes Over Women
* Airplanes usually kill you quickly; a woman takes her time.
* Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.
* Airplanes don't get mad if you do a "touch and go."
* Airplanes don't object to a pre-flight inspection.
* Airplanes come with a manual to explain their operation.
* Airplanes have strict weight and balance limitations.
* Airplanes can be flown at any time of the month.
* Airplanes don't come with in-laws.
* Airplanes don't care about how many other airplanes you've flown before.
* Airplanes and pilots both arrive at the same time.
* Airplanes don't mind if you look at other airplanes.
* Airplanes don't mind if you buy airplane magazines.
* Airplanes expect to be tied down.
* Airplanes don't comment on your piloting skills.
Oh I've got a question for y'all!? How do you know you have a pilot at your party? He'll tell you!!
Here's another goof ball flying related joke.
How do you know your date with a pilot is half over? He'll say "Well enough about me let's talk about my plane!"
This last little bit of humour is courtesy of my room mate from camp. Let's just say it discusses my two favourite things and why sometimes it's easier to prefer one over the other.
Why Pilots Prefer Airplanes Over Women
* Airplanes usually kill you quickly; a woman takes her time.
* Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.
* Airplanes don't get mad if you do a "touch and go."
* Airplanes don't object to a pre-flight inspection.
* Airplanes come with a manual to explain their operation.
* Airplanes have strict weight and balance limitations.
* Airplanes can be flown at any time of the month.
* Airplanes don't come with in-laws.
* Airplanes don't care about how many other airplanes you've flown before.
* Airplanes and pilots both arrive at the same time.
* Airplanes don't mind if you look at other airplanes.
* Airplanes don't mind if you buy airplane magazines.
* Airplanes expect to be tied down.
* Airplanes don't comment on your piloting skills.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Countdown to the real world
So I'll start off by saying something about yesterday's blog. It's very vague and for good reason. It has nothing to do with flying either and yeah I'll just stop talking about it before I unvague it.
So today was Day 5 of me swathing. It sorta feels like a marathon. The sorta crappy marathon that you don't wanna be in and that no one shows up to watch. Tomorrow I have to be on the swather at like 6 or 7 in the morning. That pretty much really sucks.
So all of this swathing has reminded me (not that I needed any reminding) that I don't want to spend the rest of my life farming or for that matter near farming. So I took the oppurtunity to start getting all my stuff together. By stuff I mean university applications and the like. So I want to take a degree in engineering. So far I have the marks for it. Unfortunately I don't have all the classes for it. This is where everyone says but Brad you aren't done high school. You'll have them by June. Well kids I won't unless I take some of them by correspondance! Or I could just hope the military accepts me for RMC and then I won't need the correspondance course. So now I'm gonna have to take Calculus by correspondance. Which I guess shouldn't be bad. Except for my busy schedule.
The next month or two or possibly 3 or for that matter a long long time I'm gonna be tres busy. At least it's looking that way. Starting on the 6th I have school, the 9th gliding starts, the 10th is the student council retreat, who knows when soccer is starting, and of course work. I'm sure there's going to be a lot more stuff to. So life is going to be real busy. Just the way I like it. Hopefully I can find time to chase girls and hang out.
Ok so back to the applying for things. So I've got the forms to fill out to join the Canadian Forces. On them you have to apply for three different jobs to increase your chances of getting accepted. Naturally my first choice is pilot. My second is going to be Aerospace Controller which is like an Air Traffic Controller. My third is still up in the air. I'm leaning towards combat engineer. However my parents are sorta frowning upon that because they're worried I'll end up in a body bag ten years from now while I'm serving in some far off land. I tried explaining to them that I really have no ambition to be a paper pusher desk jockey and that if I can't fly a plane or tell one where to go that I want to be out in the field making a difference and leading people not sitting in an office drinking coffee and doing paperwork. They didn't seem to care and just said that they knew I'd make the right decision. I think what they are getting at is that they'll be mad if I end up as a combat engineer. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm really not concerned about ending up in a body bag. I love living and my number one fear in life is dieing but someone has to clear the world of mines, build bridges, etc while getting shot at in some far off country. If I end up being one of those people and end up paying the ultimate price then at least I did something good with my life.
Thoughts, comments, queries, and concerns?
So today was Day 5 of me swathing. It sorta feels like a marathon. The sorta crappy marathon that you don't wanna be in and that no one shows up to watch. Tomorrow I have to be on the swather at like 6 or 7 in the morning. That pretty much really sucks.
So all of this swathing has reminded me (not that I needed any reminding) that I don't want to spend the rest of my life farming or for that matter near farming. So I took the oppurtunity to start getting all my stuff together. By stuff I mean university applications and the like. So I want to take a degree in engineering. So far I have the marks for it. Unfortunately I don't have all the classes for it. This is where everyone says but Brad you aren't done high school. You'll have them by June. Well kids I won't unless I take some of them by correspondance! Or I could just hope the military accepts me for RMC and then I won't need the correspondance course. So now I'm gonna have to take Calculus by correspondance. Which I guess shouldn't be bad. Except for my busy schedule.
The next month or two or possibly 3 or for that matter a long long time I'm gonna be tres busy. At least it's looking that way. Starting on the 6th I have school, the 9th gliding starts, the 10th is the student council retreat, who knows when soccer is starting, and of course work. I'm sure there's going to be a lot more stuff to. So life is going to be real busy. Just the way I like it. Hopefully I can find time to chase girls and hang out.
Ok so back to the applying for things. So I've got the forms to fill out to join the Canadian Forces. On them you have to apply for three different jobs to increase your chances of getting accepted. Naturally my first choice is pilot. My second is going to be Aerospace Controller which is like an Air Traffic Controller. My third is still up in the air. I'm leaning towards combat engineer. However my parents are sorta frowning upon that because they're worried I'll end up in a body bag ten years from now while I'm serving in some far off land. I tried explaining to them that I really have no ambition to be a paper pusher desk jockey and that if I can't fly a plane or tell one where to go that I want to be out in the field making a difference and leading people not sitting in an office drinking coffee and doing paperwork. They didn't seem to care and just said that they knew I'd make the right decision. I think what they are getting at is that they'll be mad if I end up as a combat engineer. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm really not concerned about ending up in a body bag. I love living and my number one fear in life is dieing but someone has to clear the world of mines, build bridges, etc while getting shot at in some far off country. If I end up being one of those people and end up paying the ultimate price then at least I did something good with my life.
Thoughts, comments, queries, and concerns?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My Little Issue
So I've got this little issue. I've had it for a while. I got it shortly before my flight test. I managed to take care of it. I told it to go away. It went away. I was happy. End of story right? Not quite. So I finished my flight test and then bing bang boom and bang again it's back. It just won't go away. So you're all wondering what this issue is. Let's just call this issue some loose thoughts. A little collection of loose thoughts. A collection that should just disappear. Anyone ever had this problem? You tell the damn collection to f*ck off (I'm allowed to say that right?) but it just won't take a hike. To make matters worse everytime you get close to throwing that collection of thoughts out something shows up to save it. Maybe a conversation, maybe something you read, maybe a song you hear, etc. Almost makes me wish I was a deaf, dumb, blind, and illiterate. Now you're probably saying lock yourself up in a room Brad for a few days to clear yourself of this issue. Well I can't do that because then I'd be alone with this collection of thoughts I call an issue. The stupid things won't leave me alone. They used to make me lose sleep but then they got nice and let me sleep. They just decided it would be easier to let me sleep and then throw in the odd weird dream. So you're all probably saying man Brad is a real freak. Well you know what?? I sure don't know what but anyways a little input would be nice. Just do me a favour and skip the whole "Oh don't worry it'll go away and blah blah blah". I know it will go away or drive me crazy and I'll be living in Selkirk in a padded room.
By the way the Selkirk Mental Health Facility looks like a tres beau place. I walked by it a few weeks back. They even let the local kids play on the grass.
By the way the Selkirk Mental Health Facility looks like a tres beau place. I walked by it a few weeks back. They even let the local kids play on the grass.
Day 4 of Wasting my life away on the swather
So today was day four of me sitting on the swather drinking pop, eating sandwiches, and playing with the satellite radio. I think Adriene is on to something because that satellite radio is distracting me. Everytime I play around with it something seems to go wrong. For instance today I plugged the swather a million times while playing with the sirius and the other night driving home from Bakers I was all over the road while playing with the sirius.
So anyways I do a lot of listening to a lot of different music and comedy on the radio. I've come to pick a few favourites. My favourite Foo Fighter song would have to be Times Like These. Everytime it comes on I end up rocking out and plugging the swather. Same with anything by The Offspring (who I've always liked but have really got into over the summer). My favourite comedian I've been listening to on the satellite radio has to me Mitch Fatel. He sorta acts like he's a little kid or something. It's good. So I'm starting to run out of things to say. So I'm gonna play some solitare because it's a thursday night and there's no where to go.
So anyways I do a lot of listening to a lot of different music and comedy on the radio. I've come to pick a few favourites. My favourite Foo Fighter song would have to be Times Like These. Everytime it comes on I end up rocking out and plugging the swather. Same with anything by The Offspring (who I've always liked but have really got into over the summer). My favourite comedian I've been listening to on the satellite radio has to me Mitch Fatel. He sorta acts like he's a little kid or something. It's good. So I'm starting to run out of things to say. So I'm gonna play some solitare because it's a thursday night and there's no where to go.
So anywayssssssss..............
So yeah........I'm giving this blog thinger ma jig a shot. So I spent today and yesterday and the day before doing farm work. Mainly swathing which I guess is an all right gig. I don't have to worry about much I just get left alone to do my own thing. I sit in airconditioning and listen to satellite radio. It's really lonely though and so I do a lot of thinking. Sometimes all the thinking scares me a bit but hey thats nothing new. I did have to fill grain bins the other day though. That was quite the adventure when I spilled that crapload of oats on the ground and had to shovel them up. By the time I was done I felt pretty sweaty, dusty, tired, sore, and overall just gross. But man was it a workout and a half I tell ya! So I'm starting to miss camp a bit. I don't miss the living with 15 other dudes and not seeing any girls. That part sucked but so far I haven't seen many girls now that I'm home either. But I sure do miss the flying, and the crazy hijinks that went on. I also miss being able to take my long naps. So I'm really excited about gliding starting up again. Except I'm really disappointed that Yorkton got shut down and I have to go to Brandon. It'll be pretty sweet to fly at a new airport and with new people though. I have to find a place to stay though. That's sorta crappy. So I'm doing a fair bit of ranting and I've only just started this blog thing.
So school starts in like 2 weeks or something crazy like that. I can't believe I'm coming to the end of my days as a high school student. I'm gonna be in Grade 12 this year. Gonna be the oldest flippin kid in school. Imagine that. Me the oldest! I'm also President!! That's quite wild and unbelievable. I'm a little nervous about the gig as Mr. President but it's going to be a good experience. So anyways my neck is getting sore for some reason and I'm tired. Coincidentally it's also late so I think I'm gonna head her off to bed!
So school starts in like 2 weeks or something crazy like that. I can't believe I'm coming to the end of my days as a high school student. I'm gonna be in Grade 12 this year. Gonna be the oldest flippin kid in school. Imagine that. Me the oldest! I'm also President!! That's quite wild and unbelievable. I'm a little nervous about the gig as Mr. President but it's going to be a good experience. So anyways my neck is getting sore for some reason and I'm tired. Coincidentally it's also late so I think I'm gonna head her off to bed!
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