Saturday, September 09, 2006

Not bad, not bad at all........

So today was my first day gliding in Brandon. Brandon is a lot different then Yorkton. I miss Yorkton and knowing what was going on, etc. I'm catching on pretty fast. Most likely because of my experience at Yorkton. I just have to adapt to a new airport and a new set of people. The flying was great. I did four flights. I did an area check which was just getting flown around and shown everything. Then I did a proficiency check to make sure I can still fly. Don't worry I still got it! Then I did two solo flights which sort of confused me. Usually fam pilots like myself don't do solo flights because we get enough time flying kids around that we don't need to fly by ourselves. It was nice to have those two solos though. It gave me a chance to brush the rust off the flying skills so I'll be smooth for next weekend when I get back to giving young cadets glider rides. Really excited about that. I really missed the flying and hearing the stories that some of those kids come up with.

When I got home the house was mysteriously empty. I decided to think nothing of it and watch TV. That's when Dad showed up and informed me that the entire family was out in the field. That sorta confused me a bit because all of the vehicles were in the yard but that's neither here nor there. So I went to the elevator with a load of grain and then I combined. Now we only have one hour of combining left and we can then consider my career as an agricultural harvest technician over. Pretty nifty title I gave myself eh?

Tomorrow is the student council retreat. Should be a good time I'm thinking not to mention a learning experience for me. To bad it had to cut into my flying time. Oh well can't win em all! Soccer heats up this week a bit. A few practices and a game in Rossburn. I think our goal is to make it to play-offs again and win a game in play-offs. Let's hope for the best. Anyways I'm going to go get in touch with my domestic side and sew my new set of wings on to my flight suit so I can make myself look like some young hotshot pilot when I wear my flight suit.

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