Sunday, October 01, 2006

My weekend..........

My weekend. Well my weekend started pretty much after physics class on Friday. Did the Terry Fox Run and then I left school early to work on my car. Then I got a phone call to go to Lennox's so I was all over that because staying at home is a drag. So yeah went over there for awhile.

So let's skip to Saturday. Saturday was gliding or as I like to call it "my life". So I took 5 kids flying and then I started doing my backseat conversion training! I only got to do one flight because the tail wheel on the towplane went flat. However it was really awesome and supposedly I did good according to the instructor. I definitely didn't land very good but the instructor didn't care because he couldn't feel it in the front. The only negative to this back seat stuff is that there's no one to do my flight test for it when the time comes but supposedly they're going to find someone for me to do the test with. Today I did three flights and got to take cadets from Strathclair up which was cool. But anyways I really don't have much else to say and I'm sorta drained from standing outside all day.

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