Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My 10 Favourite Things

Here are my 10 Favourite Things. I tried to keep them in some sort of order but some won't be in order. I also tried to cut down on the cheese factor but yeah that's hard.

1. Adrienne
2. The fact that I live in freedom in the greatest country in the world.
3. Flying because it is the ultimate freedom and high.
4. Grilled cheese.
5. Cows because they are responsible for steak, cheeseburgers, milk, ice cream, etc.
6. Snowmobiling because it's the 2nd best mode of transportation behind flying and because it's Canadian.
7. Eyes because they allow me to see a lot of amazing things like beautiful eyes, the sky, nice planes, nice cars, etc.
8. My awesome friends and family and all over their awesomeness.
9. Being able to give back to society for example when I take kids flying for the first time in their lives. That's me giving back to the program that gave me my wings.
10. Being reminded that I'm not as old as I feel sometimes and that I'm really just a kid who's life is just beginning.


x valerie-anne said...

awhh, adri's number one on your top 10 list!! adri hes a keeper :P

Adrienne said...

meh i guess so. he keeps coming around, so i guess he can stay lol

jannafaye said...

good list brad!

britscrazylife said...

wow brad, thats pretty inspirational! keep it up! lol

Anonymous said...

you've only been going out with adrienne for what, a week? and she's already at the top of your list, do you really feel that way for her or did you just put her at the top of your list?

Anonymous said...

i agree

Adrienne said...

maybe he does. maybe he doesn't. so what? its not like he has to explain himself to you, mr and mrs anonymous

Anonymous said...

you're a sweet dude bradley

B-Rad said...

Actually it's been two weeks. And yes I do feel that way about her and unlike you I'm not scared to openly admit things.

Michele said...

personally i think snowmobiling should be higher up on your list :P

Anonymous said...

i think the two anonymous people have no idea what they are talking about...i really think brad can do what he wants and put what he wants, this has nothing to do with anyone else.