Sunday, December 24, 2006

Santa Is Coming!!!

Santa is Coming!!!!!
So anyhoo Santa is coming tomorrow! I just spent the last half an hour trying to make that NORAD Santa Tracker website work but my computer is retarded. Adrienne gave me a sweet watch for Christmas. It has this thing on it call a tachymeter. I had no clue what it was for so I wikipedied it and it's a speedometer type deal. It's pretty amazing. So yeah that's about all the exciting news I have. I did spend the first half of today in bed. First time in months I've slept in till noon. I can't even remember the last time I did that.
Tomorrow is the family deal at Grandma's and then I guess it moves on over to my aunt and uncle's for supper. Boxing Day is skating at Adrienne's! Anywayssssss

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