Sunday, August 12, 2007

Change of Address

So as you all know I'm moving on to Kingston to attend the Royal Military College. I leave St. Jean on the 31st. So if you're going to be sending me mail soon then I'd suggest sending it to Kingston soon. It takes between 5-7 working days for mail to go between St. Jean and the Shoal Lake/Strathclair area. So if you're sending a letter in the next few weeks take that into consideration. My address in Kingston will be:

Officer Cadet Ashcroft,BJ
Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston ON K7K 7B4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's a reason why your address is written down in pencil in my address book!! it's changed already! We saw Henk at church this morning and made me think of you and hope things are going well. I can't believe that even you have seen the latest Bourne movie before me, it's time for me to go out!
Keep posting on your blog it is certainly interesting reading