Saturday, August 04, 2007

Short and Sweet

So I don't know if blogging is still cool or if anyone checks my blog anymore. But I've got access to it for 10 minutes so here it goes. First things first I'm going into week 6 of my training. We're going to Farnham which is where we do all our field stuff. I get to fire my rifle on Monday and Tuesday. Tres exciting. Won't mention what I named my rifle but lets just leave it at its partially after an old gf and partially after an old classmate. Take your guesses. What else is there. The training isn't to hard. It's mostly mental stuff. Like why do we have to do so may retarded things that make no sense. I'll explain the retarded things in more detail when I get home at Christmas or call you on the phone someday. The physical training was intense but I'm getting in shape so it isn't as bad anymore. Hopefully the hometown girls will swoon at Christmas. Probably not though. Going out on the town was sweet. Except the girls don't like bald headed, Anglophone, military members that have no idea of anything going on in St. Jean. Hmmm what else. Send some letters people. Those really keep a person encouraged and happy. Ummm hmmmmm yeah that's bout all I can think of at the moment. I definitely miss the small town atmosphere and the prairies in general where there is no humidity and +40 happens once a year if we're lucky. But I'm adapting and having fun. So yeah my time on the interweb is running out so keep on rocking in the free world and keep in touch.


Michele said...

it's Allison.. your rifle's name is Allison!

miss you so much Brad!! hope to see you soon!!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're doing well! i hope it continues to go well for you. i love that you named your rifle, most excellent idea. keep being positive and working hard! we're all proud of ya. :)

Anonymous said... thinkin the rifles named

Anonymous said...

Hey Brad, glad to hear things are going good.
For the record, it has been ridiculously humid here and I think we may have hit +40 a couple times so the weather isnt really much more bearable here. Although the heat wave seems to be over now and its really cold today.
Have fun playing with rifles and training hard!

Anonymous said...

haha +40 once a year if were lucky! what a joke!! it has been so hot here. I didn't actually read the thermometer outside, but in the kitchen I was cooking in it was atleast 100F, somedays even 110F which must be +40! lol so this was long and pointless, but yeah. I hope your making small town manitoba proud! lol and my guess is totally Allison too

Anonymous said...

my guess is kaitlan.
cause classmate doesnt make sense with alli