Saturday, September 02, 2006

It worked!

So I wanted to see if I could make that M*A*S*H thing appear and it did. So yeah about my day hmmmmmm.....Nothing really exciting happened. Both combines broke. One got fixed and the other one I had to run because I guess I'm a smooth operator and I'll keep it together until it gets fixed or something like that. Sometimes I hate being good at stuff. For example farm work because then Dad makes me do it instead of other family members or people working on the farm. So I think I may be done swathing for the rest of my entire life since I don't plan on farming or coming home to farm on the weekends when I go to university next year. Oh slightly funny combining story. I was going combining one swath of canola and noticed the other combine coming straight for me. In the dark I figured it was just that the combine was on the next swath and what ever. It wasn't on the next swath it was on the same swath as me. Since we're combining canola the combine can pick up the swath no matter which direction it's going and my uncle didn't realize he was on the wrong swath in the dark. That was my amusement for the day. Gliding starts next weekend and I'm super excited because I miss flying but I can't glide on Sunday because I have a student council retreat which should be an interesting experience. Gliding should be sweet though. Flying at a new airport should be exciting and maybe they'll let me start training to fly from the backseat. Anyways really hoping I don't screw up this president gig. I really don't need a revolt. That would look bad on my resume. I'd show up to a job interview and the interviewer would be like so you were president of your school until they all revolted. How was that for you? And I would be like pretty darn crappy Sir!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

b-rad you crack me up, and i like calling you b-rad i'm never gonna call you brad again, so uch less entertaining (i typed this all with one finger... i should try writing a whole post like this... and time it, i'm gonna go do that now, later days)