Friday, February 01, 2008

What does a calculus professor talk about at a party?

So it's been awhile since I've said much and I could go off on multiple tangents tonight or this morning or what ever time of the day it is. I refuse to go on tangents though, because the word tangent only reminds me of things such as linear algebra, calculus, and my new bestest best friend Engineering Graphics. Hopefully the sarcasm came through on the bestest best friend part. The class is my Friday afternoon reminder of why I must get out of engineering. I can't draw pictures (surprise surprise I think I won a grand total of $1 in about 6 years of submitting art for the Shoal Lake Fair) and I hate drawing pictures (probably why very few of my school notes have drawings on them, unless I was thinking about flying and then I drew pictures of wings and weather systems). Yeah I'm a nerd in the areas of Theory of Flight and Meteorology. I didn't know drawing could be so hard, but it is, and it reminds me that I don't want to spend my life drawing pictures of things and then watching people take 5 years longer then they were given to build the damn thing, which will most likely be smaller then the piece of paper it was drawn on and most likely make a mechanic, electrician, plumber or other trademen wish they'd never slept with the engineer's wife. Fortunately I should be able to switch to something more wordy once this semester is over and my trade is changed to something more along my lines of a good time.

So I promised to not go off on any tangents, so I'll just go off on a rant. Reffing! I'd like to take this oppurtunity to apologize to every referee I have ever lipped off, and I'm not gonna lie the list is probably long. I was voluntold to be a basketball ref this semester. In actuality I've succumbed to a genetic disease passed down to me from my mother. We'll call it the "yeah sure, volunteering for that can't be too bad" disease. I love you Mom, but you know you have that disease. So that's how I fell into the trap of reffing basketball. Probably the most stressful sport for reffing, and I land the gig despite my warning that I know nothing about basketball and even less about reffing. So here I am reffing basketball, and taking crap left, right, and center. I don't think I'll ever treat a ref poorly again now that I know what they go through. So I guess you could call that my life lesson of the week.

I also got my posting messages for the summer. Sounds like May, and June will be spent in the wilds of Quebec once again learning the skills necessary to be an officer in the military and sweating out every ounce of liquid in my body all while cursing the humidity of central Canada. Then the month of July and possibly August, will be spent parler français dans à Kingston ou St. Jean.

Anyways that's all for now. Oh but I have a question. What does a calculus professor talk about at a party? Integrals, derivatives, imaginary numbers? Or something else? Just wondering because I know farmers talks about farming, salesman talk about sales, grain buyers talks about grain buying, doctors talk about medicine, teachers talk about teaching, etc, etc. I also know I just listed about 10 stereotypes, but they're true in a way.


1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

haha man brad you make me laugh!
we had a basketball game, and sitting scorkeeping and watching the coaches get mad at the refs was hilarious, though would've sucked for them.
kudos to you!