Tuesday, January 15, 2008

3 Pillars down 1 to go!

So I'll try to keep this short, because it's more informative then anything intelligent or argumentative. So as some of you know RMC works on the four pillar system (academics, bilingualism, athletics, and military). As some of you may also know, I've been struggling to keep afloat in some of the pillars. Not going to lie. But today I conquered one more of the pillars. The military pillar has been conquered mostly since the day I got here. My previous room mate and I were masters at the art of being inspected. I will someday make a good wife as the joke goes, because I can dust, sweep, iron, and polish with the best of them. The bilingualism pillar, is on track to be conquered eventually and so in my opinion not something I'm struggling with. After today however only academics falls under the struggling category and it's being worked on.

Why only academics now in the stuggling category? Well today I conquered the PPT, which is the RMC fitness test or as one person I know calls it the CF Express (fitness test to be considered fit for military service in all branches and areas of the Canadian Forces) on steroids. The reason being for the increased standards? Officers lead from the front. Anyways enough is enough with me explaining boring acronyms. I passed the PPT. I finally got myself to do the pushups I needed to do. Yes even a body like mine struggles with some areas of fitness as do the bodies of most people floating around the 6'3'', 205lb range at least when it comes to pushups or as they're called in Quebec extensions des bras! Anyways one less worry for me. Now I'm a basketball ref for intramurals (my contribution to the intramural program). Tomorrow I begin learning how to ref, which is good because most of the stuff I know about basketball comes from TV and my high school coaches who learned it all from the "Dummies Guide to Basketball" book.

Until next time Per ardua ad astra!

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