Friday, October 19, 2007

Time for a Change

Well you know how I said last week I was starting to understand things? Well apparently I'm not, according to my midterms. Let's just that I would have been happy if the marks had been above 50 but lower then my normal. But they weren't above 50, so I'm not happy. Also I've been doing a lot of thinking. Now correct me if you think I'm wrong (though honestly I don't know how you would know if I'm wrong) but I'm really not a Science/Engineering type of person if you truly think about it a lot. Deep down I'm an intellect in Arts type classes. I really don't enjoy working with equations and formulas or spending my time trying to figure out the coefficient of friction for some block on an inclined plane. I don't enjoy figuring out how many moles of oxygen come from some reaction. I enjoy reading about what happened in the past, reading good books, discussing historical events, and that sort of thing. So that's my issue with school. However, because of the trade I'm put into I might have a problem.

Who knew an Airfield Engineer would need an Engineering or a Science degree to have a job. Then again I don't want to be an Airfield Engineer now that I hear more about it and think more about it. I have to be involved with an airplane in some controlling fashion. Whether I'm flying it or telling it where to go from a tower. All of my former girlfriends and my parents can attest to how much I need flying in my life. It only consumed every weekend of my life in the fall and spring since I was in Grade 11, and before that it consumed every day dream I ever had (sorry ladies). So the moral of that story is I'm switching trades.

Anyways I'd love to here everyone's opinions on my possible decisions or more like probable decisions. Though at the end of the day I'll be making the decision whether my friends and familiy like it or not. I'd just like to hear someone tell me that I'm right.


Just A Girl said...

i think that you should do what you want/need to do. if you aren't happy with what you're doing, or if you don't think you'll be happy after this is all said and done, then make a change.
i hope you figuire it all out, and remember you'll be great at no matter what you do! engineering or not!!

Anonymous said...

Brad - you know we'll be behind you what ever you do! Having a job/career that is fun and enjoyable is very important. You are tackling this well by asking for imput and weighing the options, but in the end it's your decision and only you can decide if it's right or wrong.

Now - Jason says "no matter what direction you take the education provided by that venerable institution will serve you well. Engineering is not for everyone but keep in mind if you can complete it, you'll be able to afford your own plane and the time to fly it. Like she said, we got your back either way. good luck

Anonymous said...

Hey man.
if you choose a career that you like, you're obviously going to be happier, and as a result you're probably going to be much better at it and work harder at it is as well. If it's not a hard transition, I say go for it. However, if it is a hard change, you have to decide if it's worth it. that's my 2 cents, not sure if it will help. you'll be fine no matter what you choose.

Anonymous said...

I really think you should do what seems right. To fight against what you are naturally good at and have an aptitude for would make sense if the goal was worth it, but it sounds like your goal is different. Go for what you will be happy with. A career lasts for a long time - it's best if you really enjoy what you do. Keep on going. You are doing great.