Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Here's to hoping I didn't waste all my creative writing skills on the facebook walls of my ex-girlfriends!
Let me get through the typical post being made by most people involved in the blogging trend at this time of year. Christmas is great, I love my family, it was great to see them, I got amazing gifts, the food was too good, I'm happy I've been having the oppurtunities to see my friends, some more of that jazz, and some etc. to conclude. I think that's all that needs to be said on the topic, if those facts are appreciated. I know I appreciate all of what I said, because there is a possibility that someday I will be unable to enjoy all of that because of my career, so I enjoy it as much as I can now.
So what have I been doing with my days lately? Well some people would call my brand of fun horrible. Each to their own I guess. Stumbling around in hijacked house coats with an old buddy from high school and probably making a fool of myself isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea. I personally had fun and ensured that the house coat was returned to its rightful owner. I just hope I didn't promise to be the DD in that stupor I was in. So far only my Ma and Pa have mentioned anything regarding that and they heard it through the floorboards in the middle of the night so we can't take it for 100% certainty. We all know that the physics of the waves involved could have been heavily influenced from the floor boards which would have caused a great deal of interference.
That was the pinnacle of my 3 day expedition of fun beginning with the socializing I partook in with my adult friends. Good times were of course had with them. More fun ensued the next night when I finally stormed into SL bar (about time they opened up! I've been legal a long freaking time). Later that night I stormed into Houstons. Where I was reunited with old high school chums and proceded to make lame pickup attempts on girls I hope were cute (I'm just not big on committment, but chatting the ladies up is still on my list of fun things to do). I proceded to try and pickup using my newly acquired skills in the French language. First of all French doesn't impress Anglo girls and it sure doesn't impress the only 3 Franco sisters in the bar. I got a number, but I don't think it was the cute sister's and a follow up date is not required at all. Return to the previous paragraph for the night that followed. Let us not discuss the day that followed that night though. There was a small concern that solid food might not like me anymore.
Hopefully I have not disgusted you at all. If this blog was all about respectable pursuits such as academics and athletics, I'd have a hell of a time making that 1 in a million interesting post. It is once again late (recurring theme. Me using ( ) and me posting at the stupidest hours of the night/morning). Bonne nuit, I've got to rest before I attend the reincarnation of the annual Shoal Lake tradition of a social on Boxing Day.
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Thoughts on Home
Let me begin with the word change. Now it is to late at night for me to pull out the dictionary and define the word change so hopefully you all know the meaning while I take you on the trip that will become a rant. When I begun packing and generally just getting excited about coming home on leave, I became concerned about how things probably changed a great deal since I left. Much to my surprise when I took my first big excursion into Shoal Lake I made a discovery. Nothing has changed, and that goes for everything. Sure some people have made some modifications to their lifestyle, but nothing major. Buildings have been built, knocked down, etc but once again nothing major. In reality nothing has changed though. Now part of that lack of change in this place is great. It means nothing bad has happened, though the downside is that nothing overly exciting has happened. The only thing that's changed in the past 6 months is myself. Now I'm not complaining about the lack of change in my old territory, but the fact that it irritates me in some unexplainable way has solidified my decisions about life and how I enjoy being somewhere with an unpredictable rate of change. The military obviously being a fountain of change and place for a great amount of growth as I've already discovered. I'm not sure if I made any sense at all with that, but I feel I have been able to relay some sort of message.
Now I'm going to answer a question a great deal of people have asked me and probably shock some people with my opinion on the matter. No I have not found a girl in Ontario. Have I been looking? Not at all. I don't have the time for it. Plus I don't need to have to worry about a girl at this stage of my life. I've got plenty of worries with school let alone the few million other things I enjoy having piled on me by my school. Sure a girlfriend would be loads of fun but all that lovey dovey crap isn't for me at this time in my life. FYI: not tons of fun, because I'm not into those sorta girls. FYI Pt 2: I'm not trying to be a downer on lovey dovey crap, but really does it get you anywhere of great importance at age 19? The morale of this story though?! I have no time for a girlfriend and unlike the past refuse to make the effort to make time for one. Mon career dans une force de aerienne est très importante pour moi! See I can even cobble together enough French to express myself!
*Editor's note: This post is by no means a series of complaints but simply an explanation of some of my recent thoughts.
**Editor's note: There is no editor!!
***Hopefully I don't have to take back any of these non-wise words anytime soon.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
1 week
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Study Break
Well so far this week, I've wrote my first two university exams. Now I could make some nasty references to describe how I feel about them, but that would not be befitting of me to do on this so very public medium. However I will still express my feelings on them. English was what I started my finals with. I wouldn't call it one of my finer pieces of work, but in the end what I studied was on it, so let us hope that my professor likes what I talked about otherwise I'm in doodoo. Chemistry was exam number two, and my first experience of writing in your classic university environment of a big hall, filled with row upon row of students utterly confused at the material they thought they knew from hour upon hour of studying. I don't feel grand about the exam but for some reason I came out of the exam quite calm in comparison to my comrades, who weren't. The irony of that is, that during midterms it was the other way around. It appears that I've become calm and comfortable with the fact that what ever happens, happens. All for some reason and at the end of the day something will work out. Plans might have to be adjusted but you just need to roll with it.
4 more to go! The brightside! One is open book and it has been discovered I only need 10% on the final to pass the course (so if the crap hits the fan, I'll still make it through), one is an arts course that I'm kicking ass in, and the other two are all year so if I screw up now I still have one more shot to redeem myself (or so I'm told). You know me though, I always manage to pull something off and I plan on continuing that strong tradition.
On a lighter note. Have any of you seen the Victoria Secret's Fashion Show? I haven't watched the entire thing. I'll be doing that when I get home. That's not the point however. Did anyone see the Spice Girls bit? Is it just me or have they not all aged as finally as expected. Scary Spice can actually claim to be scary now. Just my two cents on them. On the bright side though they can still perform well!
Today's fun fact: 8 days till I place my feet on the sub-arctic soil of the motherland or I guess I could call it Manitoba.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Global Warming
Here's the link:,2933,313844,00.html
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
RMC - 1 Civilian Universities - 0
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
À la base des Forces canadiennes Trenton
I'm loving Trenton. I've got my own hotel room, the food here is restaraunt quality despite being massed produced. Probably, because military cooks put max effort in, otherwise they would be blading their buddies. I look out my window and I get more excited then I would be if I was walking into a room full of girls. All I see from my room is hangars, Hercs, and the C17 Globemaster. It's more beautiful then anything I've seen before. 4 jet engines and the capacity to move a lot of stuff. Let's just say Dad would be out of a job with Millers if I had one of those sweet birds. Shoal Lake would have to beef up their airport and someone might have to donate another quarter section for it. I can also see from my window an Antonov. Not sure if it's a full blown Antonov or just a baby, either way it's awesome. To bad the CF won't spring for a couple of those. Other things I can see are the Challenger (the kickass private jet that MPs, ministers, the prime minister, Governor General, and other people get to fly around in), the Polaris (Airbus transport plane used to transport troops back and forth between Canada and Afghanistan) and the CF Land Advanced Warfare Center, which is just a building but from what I can tell is the home of the jump school. I'm pretty sure I was disturbed from my sleep at about 0600 this morning by the jumpers doing pushups in the parking lot. It's safe to assume that they weren't doing normal pushups either. I'm going to assume they were doing airborne pushups, which is an excercise in teamwork. What I mean by that is that the platoon, flight, section, or what ever the unit maybe called lines up. The only person with their feet on the ground is the guy at the back. Everyone else's feet are on the shoulders of the person behind them. If you don't all push up at the same time then it's a difficult excercise for the entire team.
All in all I would love to be posted to Trenton in 4 years time or for On the Job Training. The simulator sessions are going good or so I believe from what I understand from the readouts it gives after each session. The Navigator tests were easy but because of the time restriction, nearly impossible. So hopefully I made it through them! Anyways I'm gonna head off for some lunch before my next sim session, then I think I'm gonna take a walk around to see what else is kicking on base.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Remembrance Day Video
Well I'm not sure if anyone watches the videos I post. But here's another one, obviously in relation to tomorrow. So hopefully you watch it and appreciate it. It was made by Global News in Edmonton. I'm pressuming it's a year or maybe two years old. Either way it's a good video and hopefully you all appreciate it as much as I do.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Little comic
The Weekend
Yesterday was decent. Slept in until noon. Struggled with some homework, gave up on aforementioned home work(getting tutored on it tonight thankfully). Then I decided to help a brother out in the romance department. I bet you're all saying whoa, I bet that guy isn't going to get far with his love life. Did I mention I helped him out with buying a gift to?! I forgot to mention to him that most of the gifts I've ever bought for my girlfriends were guided by a) my mother, b) my ex-gfs (very smooth I know), c) or other girls. But anyways he got dressed up in his scarlets and I took his picture with my great photography skills and then I helped him photoshop and develop it, and get a frame. Then we went and watched fencing, which isn't as exciting as I imagined it to be. So went to the mess and hung out. Today is home work day, and getting ready for the next 3 days of inspections! Which is crazy, because I have two midterms this week and one of them I'm toast in. Oh well.........
Do any of you associate songs with certain memories? Or am I the only one. For example when I hear Pink Floyd's "Money" I remember a past lady acquaintance of mine. However that's not what I want to talk about. This week my room mate got me hooked up to his network so I can access all of his music and movies. So I was listening to some of his music when I heard some songs that triggered some memories. Eve 6 "Here's to the Night" and Dave Matthews Band "Crash into Me". I know one of those songs was in the grad slideshow and possibly both of them. But now everytime I hear that song I remember being up on that gooseneck trailer in the Shoal Lake Community Hall, watching my past and the past of my friends. So needless to say "Here's to the Night" makes me all nostalgic and wishing life had a rewind button so that I could enjoy it over and over again.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Short News
-Monday: I rewrote my CFAT (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test) so that I could qualify to switch trades to Aerospace Controller aka Air Traffic Controller military style!
-Tuesday: Went to class. Had some quizzes. Not really a great day, but I made it through in once piece and it's all behind me. Had an oppurtunity to get off the fitness program I'm stuck on. I once again flunked my pushups. Should have had them but on the brightside at least I still get to work out lots and improve my fitness.
-Wednesday: Talked to my Captain. Found out I blew the CFAT out of the water. Supposedly I did so well I was off the chart but somehow I find that impossible. But I'll go with it. Did my Medical Part 1 for Aircrew Selection so that I might also have a shot at applying for Air Navigator (as a back up to ATC) and getting myself into a job more related to airplanes. Also found out my school marks and discovered the only one worried about them is me. No surprise that didn't make me feel better about my marks. I'm doing much better then I thought I was but still not good enough in my books.
-Thursday: Here I am, alive and healthy. A little tired and I think I'm developing a cold.
-Tomorrow: Civie Friday!! Most likely going to watch the Paladins play Ryerson.
-This weekend: Sleeping
-Next week: Soldiering on and counting the days until my return to the Keystone province! Oh and did I mention it's my birthday next week?!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Shut down for the second time
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Awesome Tribute Video
I just thought I'd share this awesome tribute video with you all. I found it on youtube and I personally think it's one of the best I've seen. Good music, good pictures, and some nice footage to show the world how our men and women are making a difference at the pointy end of the fight!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Time for a Change
Who knew an Airfield Engineer would need an Engineering or a Science degree to have a job. Then again I don't want to be an Airfield Engineer now that I hear more about it and think more about it. I have to be involved with an airplane in some controlling fashion. Whether I'm flying it or telling it where to go from a tower. All of my former girlfriends and my parents can attest to how much I need flying in my life. It only consumed every weekend of my life in the fall and spring since I was in Grade 11, and before that it consumed every day dream I ever had (sorry ladies). So the moral of that story is I'm switching trades.
Anyways I'd love to here everyone's opinions on my possible decisions or more like probable decisions. Though at the end of the day I'll be making the decision whether my friends and familiy like it or not. I'd just like to hear someone tell me that I'm right.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
So last night I ventured into Kingston with a group of friends. Nothing to exciting, bought some new shoes (let's just say they were worth what I probably spent in a single year on shoes, but when you're in the military your feet are important), watched a movie (The Kingdom, freaking awesome movie, except now that I know how to use a weapon in a military fashion I criticize all of the gun play a lot), and some of us drove around Queens doing a recce for later presence patrols (if you catch my drift. Queens is sorta like Strathclair was to me when I was in Shoal Lake, if you once again catch my drift, except I haven't actually met anyone yet. All in good time). Walking down Princess St. (downtown Kingston) in our uniforms (we have to) is a great way to get negative looks from Queens guys and positive from the ladies. Plus some of the girls were screaming at us from a balcony about Christmas Ball, so it shouldn't be hard to bring some girls across the causeway for the ball in November. Well that's about it for my random activities. Time to hit up la biblioteche pour studying.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
So where to begin. Obviously one institution is a university and the other a high school. RMC has tons of tradition and history. SLS not so much, though hopefully my leg waxing and mohawk stunts have paved the way for future presidents to do equally crazy stuff, thus starting some sort of tradition. Back in high school I pretty much dominated or at least in some ways. I may not have been the brightest or the most athletic person to grace the hallway of SLS but I still ruled that school in comparison to RMC. I could walk into the principal's office sit in his comfy chair, spin around in it, use his phone, hell maybe even use his pen and paper to write myself a note. I did this simply by asking the secretary if I could. I don't even know where the principle's office is at RMC but I'm quite sure his secretary wouldn't let me into see him without an appointment let alone let me in to his empty office to use the phone. At SLS I said hi to the little kids and they replied. I did that because it was the nice thing to do and it made them feel included. At RMC I say good-day to the older students and if I'm lucky they reply with a good-day first year. I'm lucky if I get my lastname said to me let alone my first. In fact the only person that says my first name is Henk. FYI I'm not complaining I'm just going through some of the differences between my new life and old life.
Then there's my classes. I had a full course load all through high school, but I was never taking more then 6 classes at a time. Oh and my classes were much smaller. Grade 12 math there was maybe 15 people at the most. 1st year calculus...............45-50 students. There is definitely more differences I could go through, but my desire to sleep outweighs my desire to talk about my life. So goodnight and hopefully you enjoyed hearing about the changes in my lifestyle!
P.S. I have no problem with running more then 2kms without stopping now. In fact I ran 6.6kms in 40 minutes this past Friday.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Official Member
Monday, September 24, 2007
Goodbye Saigon
Friday, September 21, 2007
I've got something to rant about!! Finally!!
For all of you interested in my weekly activities here they are!: PT, class, sleeping in class, eating meals, studying, cleaning myself, and sleeping! That's my week in a nutshell. I'd tell you about class but I fell asleep in most of them or zoned out. Not good I know but if you were in my shoes you'd understand.
My activities of this upcoming week. Well tomorrow is the largest inspection of my military career thus far and if I fail it then I'll spend Sunday night being inspected. There's also passing of the square tomorrow. In summary it's a drill test mixed in with a single trivia question about the college. You keep going until you get it right. Then it's obstacle course practice. Sunday is parade practice, and Monday to Thursday is the same as this week. Friday is the obstacle course!! Fuckeneh! Saturday is the badging parade (hells yes no more FYOP), and Sunday is the Memorial Parade. Did I mention I get to see my parents next weekend to. Someone convinced the old man to come down to instead of farming!! Anyways that's all for now!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Single Digits Baby!
So that's what I woke up this morning. Much better then O Fortuna. At least I didn't have a feeling of dread and was able to have a slight chuckle as I rushed to get ready for inspection. The inspection by the way didn't go well, then again they never go well. Not because my room mate and I are horrible, just because that's the way it works here.
So it's only 9 days till the big obstacle course. I'm sorta running out of time before I have to leave for physics. But all in all I'm fairly good. I feel like I'm going to explode sometimes when it comes to school and yesterday I felt like dieing after doing 3 long distance runs, 2 of them within 20 minutes of each other but anyhoo. Take it easy, because I sure am not!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Half Way There
On the class side of things I have a lot of classes. All of them at the moment seeming very difficult but my brain hasn't fully turned on yet. Possibly because I'm still recovering from 2 months of boot camp, while undergoing a fun/strict orientation period. Let me get on to the Orientation period portion of my life.
Every morning at 0600 I'm awoken by loud music. Usually the song is O Fortuna (not sure who sings it but download it to get a taste of it. It's classical and semi-depressing). If we're lucky they spice the music selection up a little. Thursday morning it was "Everybody Is Working for the Weekend" and today it was "We're Here for a Good Time" by Trooper. The songs are more then just a wake up call, they're a timer. A timer to get up, shave, get dressed, and have my bed made. Oh and make sure the rest of my room is clean. Fortunately I have a good roommate and all of that is usually a breeze, except on the mornings where I wake up thinking about all the beer I would have drank and girls I would have chased had I gone to U of M or U of S, but in the long run RMC will be the best (worldclass education, I'll be in shape, I'll have a job, etc, etc.) Then after the wake up call it is usually morning PT (long distance run up Fort Henry, ladder training, hills, circuit training, etc). Then we come back to the dorms where we are given 8 minutes to shower, and put on our uniforms to be ready for inspection. Then it's inspection, breakfast, and classes. When classes are done for the day and I feel mentally exhausted and for that matter physically exhausted we go play some sports, where my flight (Whiskey flight) usually dominates over the other flights! Then it's another 8 minute shower and change, then supper, study time with 15 minute phone breaks, hygiene time, and bedtime. At bedtime we sing "Goodbye Saigon". Another song I highly recommend downloading just for fun. It's an interesting song about war, written from a slightly down mood. Then it's sleepy time, which if I'm lucky is disturbed by gift bearing second years. They like to bring us Timbits, cheeseburgers, etc in the night since we're confined to campus until the obstacle course on the 28th.
This weekend should prove to be interesting. Since we have no classes we're most likely fresh meat for our FYOP staff. But hey it's all good I can use the push ups and running. I do know we're beginning our practice runs of the obstacle course. We're doing a course up at CFB Kingston and doing a walk through of the course we'll take on the 28th so that we can come up with strategies to get over the various obstacles. I'll show y'all a vid of last years obstacle course. This year the course is longer with the formation of 3 new Sqns. But it should be good. I can't think of much else to say and I've probably bored y'all to death but now you know what's going on with me so leave some comments and such and take it easy. Oh and if you're still in high school enjoy it while it lasts. Trust me. Nothing beats your own bed, homecooked meals, a mother who does your laundry, and other such luxuries. Plus the classes are a breeze but anyways have a good one!
Friday, August 31, 2007
One Step Further
So after a slight hassle leaving the Mega (I forgot to take pictures of it, oh well) I hopped on a city bus to Montreal. Once getting to Montreal I relied on the kindness of people to get my 3 huge bags and 2 smaller ones across two streets from the bus station to the train station. I then hopped on a train for Ottawa. The train is by far the best method of transportation I've taken with the exception of an airliner. Way better then the stinky old Greyhound I would have taken had I been in the Prairies. I still miss the Prairies, though VIA rail should maybe look into being more available in the Prairies. Once I got to Ottawa I was picked up by my Uncle, who I'm staying with until Monday. I'm enjoying a nice bed, home cooked meals, and other things you get when you live in a house.
On Monday I report to Kingston, on the 10th I start classes, and that's all I know about my future at the moment. I do know however that I'll be home for Christmas lol! Anyways that's all that's new with me and hopefully I can keep this updated through FYOP (First Year Orientation Period). Take care and have fun at school!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
One week till Kingston
This week we hand in a bunch of equipment we never used but I'm glad to give it back. For example I shouldn't need mucklucks at university. We also get to hand our rifles in. What a sad day that will be.......NOT!! Can't wait to get rid of that giant pain in the butt. Hopefully on Thursday night I'm on a train to Ottawa to visit some relatives before I move to Kingston next Monday. Can't wait to get to Kingston the home of a large federal pen, The Tragically Hip, Queens University (lets hope the stories about the girls are true lol), and of course the Royal Military College of Canada. Once I get there First Year Orientation begins and the month of September 2007 will be a very memorable one full of PT, and other assorted torture tests lol!
So yeah, that's bout all that's new with me. Things are great. I'll admit I'm missing not being around the farm everytime I see a combine or grain bin. FYI the people here have giant combines for the size of their farms. 9610s and bigger for a few hundred acres! That's retarded. Silly farmers here in Quebec. But to sum it all up I'm enjoying the military life and am really excited to start classes on the 10th! Anyways good luck to all of those going on to university soon and for all of those lucky people going back to high school. Live it up and take advantage of it while you still can!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Almost Outta Here
So I'll briefly go over my past week. First off Monday was nothing exciting. Can't even remember it. Tuesday/Wednesday were spent out at Farnham learning how to setup roadblocks, biouvacs, patrols, searches, how to bust into a house, search POWs, and everything a person needs to know before deploying. Thursday was the big inspection, drill test, and PT test. Made it through all of them except for the PT one because of my lacking in the arm muscle area. Friday was slack. Wrote an easy multiple choice exam and had my head shaved for the 3rd or 2nd time in the last 2 months! Went to Montreal (the city where it's hard to find an Alexander Keith's but very easy to find tobacco, porn, and other things that take effort to find in any other province). Did the tourist thing there for Friday/Saturday.
Very excited to be down to 2 weeks here. Looking forward to Kingston, even if the first month is going to be an extremely wild ride of an unknown kind. Well that's bout it. Ohhh one last thing.
Good luck to all my classmates who are on their ways to Winnipeg, Brandon, etc! I love y'all and good luck with moving out. It's definitely a little different but you'll adapt!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Change of Address
Officer Cadet Ashcroft,BJ
Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston ON K7K 7B4
Saturday, August 11, 2007
You're All Effed Up Like A Meat Flavoured Milkshake
So I spent this week out at Farnham which is the field training site for the school. The first 2 days we spent out on the range. Very exciting. When they give the order to put the fire selector on automatic and you let it rip at the target, you get quite the rush. Very intense. In between firing on the range we learned how to build lean tos, hoochies, eat ration packs, etc. All very easy stuff since I did all of it in Fortune's pasture! Who woulda thought those weekends would pay off lol! Wednesday was spent doing field training and marching around. Musta marched 10+ kms that day. Thursday was our day and night navigation excercise. Spent the entire day navigating in the bush. Also learned how to face paint our faces to be camoflauged. Friday we spent the morning learning how to crawl and do the hand signals (like the ones in the movies)! Then we returned to St. Jean and the Mega was actually a beautiful sight to see for once lol!
Today some buddies and I found an English theatre and watched both the Simpsons movie and the Borne Ultimatum. Both were so good. The Borne movie was so good I went out and bought the books.
This upcoming week we do a small stint at Farnham and the rest is just some final written and PT exams. Shouldn't be bad. We also have a big inspection which freaks some people out but you just gotta play it cool and it'll be good. Or so I've been doing with success thus far.
Yes I named my rifle Allison. Who ever said that I didn't because of classmates or something is entirely wrong. Just think a little. I'd explain the reasons but I don't have much time to get in depth. Let's just say the Allison I went to school with was always there to get me out of a homework jam just like I hope my rifle will always be there to get me outta a jam in some backwater country while I'm getting shot at. The Allison I dated well was just a good girlfriend (like all of my former gfs) and I just wanted my rifle to remind me of good things. That's the simple explanation. I'm sure I'll be asked to explain it more some other time and I will. Anyways I gotta sign off so take her easy and I think you know the rest. It's back to the gin mill for me!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Short and Sweet
Friday, June 29, 2007
Today We Are Men and Women!
I can't say that I've loved you all. But I've loved as many of you as I could!! ~ Hawkeye Pierce
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Life is So Freakin Amazing!
Anyways last week I became a member of the Canadian Forces! Finally! I've been waiting since I was about 12 to join and now I'm in. It took me an hour of initialing and signing papers, to get ready for the swearing in ceremony the next day. But all of that initialing was worth it. I was in such shock throughout the entire swearing in ceremony that I was overwhelmed with happiness. I couldn't believe it was finally happening and happening at 1 CAD (1 Canadian Air Division. It's a pretty important place. Runs a good portion of the Canadian air force and it's in Winnipeg). I was sworn in by a Major-General, who was extremely friendly and made the ceremony quite memorable. There was even some people I didn't expect to show up to the ceremony and one of them brought an airfield engineer down to talk to me specifically. I don't think I could accurately describe the pride, happiness, sense of upcoming adventure, etc that I felt during the ceremony.
That's not the only goodness I've been feeling lately. Had an awesome weekend of hanging out with family and friends. Also fit in some community service in there to. All of it amazing. I've got one exam to write, which is bit of a downer but once that's done I'm continuing on with my campaign of fun. I'm down to around 10 days until I leave home and 11 till I leave from Winnipeg. I'll make sure I leave my contact info before I leave and continue to check the blog and facebook for updates when I get computer access! If you send me a letter while I'm gone I'll also make sure I write back as long as my life isn't to hectic at that point in time.
Monday, June 11, 2007
All Good Things Come To An End
So Friday I went to the fair with Ashley. Awesome time. I managed to embarrass myself lots with food spilling and vomitting but everyone laughed and it was all good. On the way home Josh was able to entertain us with karaoke until he past out.
Saturday I woke up feeling hung over despite the fact my last drink had been nearly a week prior. Though I did an odd thing, I took some tylenol and consumed litres of water until my headache was gone. By the time I made it to Brandon I was a-ok to fly. So that's what I did, I went gliding. As usual it was an amazing time. Beautiful last day of flying fam rides.
Sunday was the cross-country to Gimli. See Facebook in a day or two to view all my aerial photography of the ground, formation flying, and Pam. Nice flight and when we got to Gimli, Pam and I would like to think we showed up the Gimli Gliding Center with our mad gliding skills. The debate is still open. I also attended the Falcon Beach garage sale. I always thought the garage sale for a TV show would have been cooler.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Flying, flying, and more flying!
That night I headed to Houston's with Jason, to go to Sarah's bday bash. I took it pretty easy but it was still fun. Some girl that wasn't with us passed out and had to be taken away in the ambulance. The other excitement was when I realized dropping ice cubes off the balcony could be both fun and an excellent conversation starter. Saw tons of people I hadn't seen in awhile.
The next day was more gliding. We finally got started around 10:00 instead of our usual 9:00 because the squadrons showed up late. I flew 11 flights, and one of them was half an hour, while we waited for the towplane to refuel. Over the course of the weekend I did 5 hours of gliding, which is more then I did in my first season at Yorkton, and more then the amount of solo time a student has coming out of the gliding school. So I did tons of flying this weekend. I also did my 200th flight on Sunday.
Monday was a slow day. Tuesday was awesome. I made my return to powered flight and was quite impressed at how well I did. I landed the plane like a glider once, otherwise everything was good. I also got my enrollment package from the CF. So overall yesterday was an amazing day despite the fact I had to go to school.
Anyways tonight is the band concert. Sorta a downer if you ask me. Friday I'm going to the fair. Saturday is more gliding, and Sunday I'm taking a glider to Gimli! My last month as a civilian is shaping up pretty good!
Friday, June 01, 2007
24 days till Grad/28 till my departure
Yesterday was also my last parade as the Squadron Commander of 317 Strathclair. I've hung up my cadet uniform for good. It feels just like yesterday that I joined as an unsure 12 year old. It's been nearly 7 years and they've been some of the best years I've had. Cadets has helped point me a lot in my life and has allowed me to accomplish a lot so despite my excitement to be done I'm a little sad. I finished off my last year as the Most Dedicated and Best Dressed Cadet. I was also runner up for the Best Senior NCO.
Only 2 more weekends of gliding and then I'll have to sadly say good-bye to that program for awhile. It'll be nice to get back to gliding this weekend, since neither I nor the gliding center has flown since the end of April. So despite the end of cadets, gliding, school, and everything else I've been a part of here, things are great and unbelievably amazing!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
RMC videos
Monday, May 21, 2007
Do I have to title this blog?
The next good viewing I've had lately was the SCS Drama Club's production of "Whodunnit and to Whom". Which to start off with was amazing. I didn't really have a hot clue what it was about before I went and was sorta thinking it might be some really predictable play. Once again I was wrong. The plot was amazing, reminded me a lot of that movie "Stranger Than Fiction". I'm not much of an acting judge, but I'd say the acting was top notch. I'd hope anyone involved in it is proud of their accomplishments!
Saturday was a work day. Picked some stones and harrowed. Luckily around 5 or so I was able to slip out of working and headed up to Lake Audy, which was awesome time despite poor weather. Spent the first night in a tent, which was a little nippy at times. Sunday we just hung out, played some cards, walked towards the bison until we lost our nerve, took a small driving tour, jammed 8 people into a two man tent, rebelled against the adults (which worked for some), did some napping, and I think that somes it up. Spent that night in the camper, which was much nicer then the tent. Packed up and left, hung out with Adri a bit more, and then I came home. Amazing weekend! Got to relax, didn't worry about anything, my mind was cleared, and it was just great! Now here we are. So not much this week. My first election is tomorrow! Regina on Saturday and Sunday for the Regina Military Tattoo and some tour deal of some RCMP deal.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Under 50
42 days till graduation and according to that link 48 until I start my training. What does that mean? I've got about 46 days of civilian life left until my 10 year marriage to the CF starts and man am I excited!
Friday, May 11, 2007
The Office Clips
Dig - Incubus
We all have a weakness
But some of ours are easier to identify Look me in the eye
And ask for forgiveness;
we'll make a pact to never speak that word again
Yes, you are my friend
We all have something that digs us,
at least we dig each other
So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on the me from yesterday.
If I turn into another
dig me up from under what is covering
the better part of me.
Sing this song
remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone.
We all have a sickness
that cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how we try
We all have someone that digs at us,
at least we dig each other.
So when sickness turns my ego up
I know you'll act as a clever medicine.
If I turn into another
dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me.
Sing this song!
Remind me that weíll always have each other
when everything else is gone.
OK, each other when everything else is gone.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Less then 50
So I still have yet to recieve any paperwork from the CF, which is frustrating, though I know for a fact I'm not the only one in that boat or as I prefer airplane. It is undoubtedly part of the hurry up and wait lifestyle that every known military and military organization seems to have built into it. Though in my mindless meandering on the interweb I did find this little gem of info about my near future
It's a good little read about how my life is going to become extremely fun in my eyes (despite the amount of work and such) or extremely hellish in the eyes of people who think it's like hazing. Anyways I gotta get up early tomorrow. I'm biking to school from now on as much as possible hopefully to get in better shape, because I'm quite out of shape and I have very little time to change that so that I don't die of exhaustion on IAP.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
So Lately
We'll start with Alpha Dog or as the world knows it Justin Timberlake's adventure in the acting industry. JT's acting wasn't to bad to be honest. Though it's not hard to act like a spoiled suburban kid who's life consists of smoking a few Js, drinking, partying, and whatever else suburban kids do in California. The remaining actors were B listers with the exception of Bruce Willis who had a whole five minutes in the movie. The main B lister being Emile Hirsch who played the main character who's name escapes me. Alpha Dog was a true story and if this group of kids had sex every few hours then I'd say the movie was accurately portrayed. I wanted to watch a movie about some spoiled suburban kids who kidnap a kid. I did not want to watch porn, if I would have wanted to watch that I'd have rented it. So anyways back to bashing the movie. So these spoiled kids kidnap a 15 year old boy who coincidentally has an older brother who owes Emile some mean green. Emile the gang leader who doesn't really do much leading gives the kid to JT to take care. JT smokes some joints with him, drinks a beer or two, hooks the kid on smoking, and offers to let him go eventually leading to a friendship. The kidnapped kid even develops a love life while in captivity with some pot smoking older girls. So the dope smoking, partying lifestyle is portrayed for about an hour and a half. Then Emile decides maybe killing the kid is the only solution, though I'm sure giving the kid back and taking their chances in court would have been better. So one of Emile's pals picks up JT, another pal, and the kidnapped kid. Drives out into the desert. One pal freaks out and stays in the car, JT goes with the kid thinking that the shooting thing won't actually happen, the pal who picked them all up pulls an UZI and shoots the kid dead. Then the entire gang becomes divided and runs from the cops. Eventually getting captured and finally ending two hours of crap film.
Lastnight I went and watched Lucky You. 2 hours of Texas Hold'em with some minor A list stars. Not a bad movie considering what little material the movie was made out of. The main star in the movie was Eric Bana. I spent most of the movie trying to figure out what other movies I'd seen him in. Those movies being the Hulk and Black Hawk Down. In this movie he plays Huck Cheaver a professional poker player. The poker playing and freebird lifestyle kept the movie interesting until his Daddy and commitment issues became the main part of the story. The movie consists of multiple poker games, a romance with Billie Offer(Drew Barrymore), many awkward situations with his old man(Robert Redford), and many attempts at finding tons of money to play poker. The movie ends when he lets his old man win in the World Championship of Poker, he finally makes his love life work, and his issues with Daddy are cleared up.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Casino Royale, Facebook, and Gliding
Now on to Facebook or as my good pal Steve calls it "Internet crack"! It's an amazing and addicting invention. Though I'm sure it will some day die just as Bebo and hi5 did. But we might as well enjoy this internet fad while all of our friends are! So rock on Facebook!
Gliding went smooth! Exceded the standard on my Annual Proficiency Check, and am 8/10 done my rear seat rating. Finishing it Saturday morning with any luck. One 400' rope break and a flight test, then I'll be good to go for Fam rides.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
So in 71 days I'll cease being a high school student. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's the most exciting yet nerve racking thing I've had the experience of dealing with. Though I'm sure everything will work out fine just as it always seems to. Let's just hope my version of fine is the same as fate's version.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
They're BACK!! Linkin Park that is!
I love this song and the video! I've missed Linkin Park so much and it's about time they got back at it. It even looks like they're better then ever to!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
My 6 Hour Tractor Tour of Westman
Some things I learned or highlights from my trip:
-Very few people know how to properly pass. Signal lights people ;) !
-The gas station in Hartney also serves as a craft/hardware/convenience store.
- 4690 tractors apparently have a common problem with their heaters though they do have good FM radios!
-The Sioux Valley General Store has both an open and closed sign. They're closed.
-Microwavable pizza subs are disgusting.
-Random people will wave at people driving tractors.
-I can't figure out why they didn't put cup holders in tractors back then.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The Time Sure is Flying.....
Well I think it's bed time. Oh one last thing. I'm giving myself at least half a check mark for item #41 on my list of things to do before I die.
Friday, March 30, 2007
So Far
Monday I flew to Esterhazy with Russ Hamilton. It was awesome, because I got to do a bunch of the flying and I haven't flown power since I got my license. Once I got back to Shoal Lake, I went and picked Adrienne up and we hung out for a bit. Tuesday, I did odd jobs around the house. Wednesday, I went on the cadet trip to CFB Shilo. Surprisingly it was a good trip. To bad no one in the Army knows the air cadet ranks. I must have been called the wrong rank 2 or 3 times. We toured the artillery museum, the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery armoury, and the PPCLI armoury. So we checked out some artillery pieces, LAVs, and some other interesting pieces of equipment.
Yesterday (Thursday), went to the Winter Fair with Adrienne and her family. Probably the best fair I've been to because of the company. Though the fact that someone fell off their horse as it was jumping and two horses broke free during the 6 horse hitch, made for some interesting viewing.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Power Posse Reunion at RMC?
Yesterday and today I got some news from some flying friends of mine. Two friends of mine from gliding got in as well. The two of them were part of the Power Posse. The Posse was a 6 person fraternity I was in during my summer at RGS in 05. Supposedly there's also a girl that took gliding with me that year going to, but I don't really know her because we were in different flights. One of my friends got in to be a pilot. The other is going to be a Logistics Officer, because his right eye flunked the eye exam, which is sorta funny because my left flunked.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Not quite child birth......
Monday, March 19, 2007
5 Months!
In other news I dug my mountain bike out of the shed. Had to take it apart to get it out but I got it out. I also found out why my car has been so loud. The exhaust system is pretty much hanging mere inches from catastrophe by a bolt or two. Maybe, I'll be able to get something cool like glasspacks but then I'd have to leave people's houses earlier so I don't wake the rest of the house up. Oh and Friday I'm gonna take the day off, because I can do that.
Oh and if some anonymous person comes to rain on my parade they can just screw off!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Phone Call
So now you all know and I finally know where I'm going to university. I'm kinda speechless so I've ran out of things to say. Anyways thanks for the continuing support and lets hope this all goes off with out any problems.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Have you ever imagined?
So lastnight I started reading my new book Catch-22. So far I think it's one of the best novels I've ever read before. It's about an American bombardier in WW2 who wants to live forever or die trying in the process. Him and his buddy Dunbar come up with things to get out of combat. For example they fake illnesses to go to the hospital and only leave the hospital when another patient annoys them or they get bored. Anyways some very interesting stuff. Makes me wish I could study English literature and history for the rest of my life. Maybe if I win the lottery or my future wife wins the lottery I'll spend it on studying English and history.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
We'll go back a few days now to Friday. This past Friday was probably an above average Friday. Adri came over to hang out, then Youth Group which was still fun even though we got locked out of the gym, and then more hanging out after Youth Group. The only bad part of the day was when two people I won't name stole the chips and made me chase them for the chips. This week should be nice and slow. Only curling and cadets. So I've got tons of free time to finally get to work on calculus. 106 days until graduation!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Why is it?
In this situation who does the world pay attention to though? Anna-Nicole Smith or in this case the individual. An individual I might add who in the giant scheme of things contributed virtually nothing to society in comparison to some of the other people that we know lose their lives on a daily basis. So why is it that the society we live in only pays attention to blondes with big knockers and millions of dollars? Anna-Nicole Smith didn't do anything great for society such as keep the peace or cure a disease. She didn't even work the millions of dollars she possessed.
So why is that we've paid more attention to her lately? She's not the only blonde we pay attention to. Or for that matter the only famous person we pay attention to. I think it's screwed up how we only pay attention to useless celebrities when we really should be paying attention to and appreciating the soldiers, doctors, lawyers, and other people who actually work to make this world better.
I think it's because the majority of people need to be entertained. They don't care about what matters as long as they are nice and comfortable with their boob tube pumping out the entertainment. In conclusion I feel that we should all feel ashamed of ourselves as a society for ignoring what truly matters. I'll now end my senseless rant, which will most likely be ignored because it's not entertaining and it bashes the celebrities we as people some times equate to as gods.
The Latest Happenings
Friday - Snow day! Provincials started finally after being pushed back an entire day plus a few hours. We had an embarrassing game against a team from Winnipeg who appeared to have made curling a better portion of their lives. With the exception of the third who liked his thumb alot. Amazing team until the etiquette was required. Then there was the banquet, which was amazing because those ladies know how to put on a good meal. Mike Leach supplied the entertainment by hypnotizing some folks. RIP Tiffany's rope skipping giraffe. Then I drove Adrienne and Katy home. Disappointed everyone by finally joining the ranks of the many who've gotten stuck in Lennox's yard lol. Had some birthday cake with Ethan and made it home in good time.
Saturday - Curled bright and early against Rossburn in Strathclair. Lost a close one and that draw I screwed over in the 7th end is still playing in my head along with the draw in the 8th. Man did I feel bad about those and still do. Thanks to everyone who came out and watched that game and the Friday game. So with that loss we were effectively out of Provincials so I headed back to Shoal Lake to be the Assistant Assistant Icemaker. After that I went to Huckerby-Smiths and hung out with Adri and the gang. Then on my way home I figured I should probably see what my parents were doing in town. So I ended up at Koroscil's listening to certain adults impart wisdom on many things.
Sunday - Today I woke up around 11:30. Showered and ate. Headed into town to help with the curling and when it appeared there was nothing left to do I came home to do homework. Still haven't done the homework but I did take a nap. That's it!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Curling provincials are maybe tomorrow depending on this blizzard. If they aren't tomorrow then they're getting moved back a day. I won't know though until tomorrow at 9.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Time is a ticking
Friday, February 23, 2007
Curling Draw!
To see the Boys and Girls draw just click on this: and if that doesn't work then click on this and go to draw:
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I stole that off the whiteboard from school. Probably one of the better quotes I've seen in a while.
FYI - Forgot to mention in my last post but if the student body of Shoal Lake School sells 250 magazine subscriptions I will have both legs waxed in front of the school due to my position of Student Council President. Lets hope they don't make it to 300 or I'll be dieing my hair blue while recovering from the waxing wounds. Oh and the people who volunteered to do the waxing want to see me in pain so this could be interesting. I'll probably need a soother or something to bite down on, while I go through the most pain I'll ever go through in my life.
What a day.
So I was late for school both in the morning and afternoon. Not a big deal. Fell asleep in physics while some people debated how to do some question on a test. I got the question right so I decided to not resist the urges of my body and to pass out on my books. Then in French class I some people argued about who I was partnered with for some project. Naturally I would have felt special about this but I was paying more attention to the Manitoba-Canada game. Then Jennifer Jones lost and suddenly the day went downhill. I showed up to cadets to find out we were being surprise inspected by the man in charge of all the Air Cadet Squadrons in the province. Fortunately for me he was excited to finally meet the guy who's name had crossed his desk a few million times, and things went fairly smooth. Anyways I guess I should head to bed so I'm all rested for basketball or snowday. What ever happens, happens I guess.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Past
Monday, February 19, 2007
Not sure why I'm writing this but I figured it was time for me to write something.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
When Life Gives You Lemons Make Juice
On the band trip front things were good. Hung out with Curtis on the way in and we tried watching movies on his DVD player but the battery died about 5 minutes in. Then we played at the Convention Center after I got back from the recruiter and I guess we didn't play so hot but I felt like I played the best I've ever played in my life. Then we went to Polo Park. Chelsey, Stacy, Curtis, and I went to Moxy's which was pretty amusing, because none of us are experienced fancy restaraunt types. That was a funny time but I won't get into the details, because they're embarrassing for some people. Then on the way home I nearly fell asleep but some people are just to loud to allow others to sleep. Oh and Britney tried requesting "18 till I Die" by Bryan Adams for me but the radio station wouldn't allow it because they'd already requested it "Cut's Like a Knife". Silly radio station not playing Canadian music.