Sunday, November 12, 2006

What do I want for Christmas?

Here's the short version of my weekend. Friday I set up for Rememberance Day, then I went to Youth Group, then I hung out with Adri, and then I went home. Saturday I woke up late after pressing the snooze button about 5 times to many, went to Rememberance Day, did my stuff, picked up Adrienne, hung out, watched movies, took Adrienne home, and fell asleep. Today I slept in, did some eating, went to Grandma & Grandpa's, hung some Christmas lights up, came home, chopped a tree down that was in front of my treestand, made sure I still knew how to fire a rifle, and am now trying to make a Christmas list for my mom.

The last thing is not going so well. I don't know what I want for Christmas. Anyone have any ideas on what I want for Christmas? I know I'm probably getting a laptop for grad so no point in asking for that. I would like an airplane but I'm pretty sure my parents don't have $30,000+ just lieing around for that.


Anonymous said...

awwe.. brad you can ask your mom to buy you a snowboard for your favorite little cousin!! :D. lol.

see you at christmas... --Katie.

Anonymous said...

for those of you that haven't heard, Brad told me that Over the Hedge was a great movie, made me watch it and then fell asleep. i guess I'm just that exciting

B-Rad said...

Or maybe you just make me feel so nice and relaxed I fall asleep ;)

Michele said...

brad.. for christmas i think u should as for.. a puppy haha jk