So now on to the not so cool stuff. Cadets. Ahh I remember a time when I loved it so much. Now I'm in a different time. The organization I once loved is the one I know loathe. Every week someone has to do something stupid causing problems for me. The majority of my friends are gone and I'm the last one out of all the people I joined with that is still in cadets. It just seems like a drag these days. It's sorta sad that it has become this way but oh well. In a few months I'll be done forever.
Now I'm going to speak metaphorically for this last bit. You ever had something knock on your door that you didn't want to knock on your door? I think I have that right now but I'm not sure how to get it to go away.
Anyways tomorrow is Friday which is fanflippintastic because that means the next day is Saturday which means flying and on Sunday the cadets from Strath are going flying and I get to take them up so that should be sweet. Anywayssssss I think it's bed time!