Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I may have a disease........

Just kidding! I'm fine except for the fact that I cleaned the basement of my own free will today without being told to, because I didn't go to Saskatoon as planned. So the message of this post is to convey how bored I am. When I say clean I mean actually scrubbing the toilet and vacuuming. I know you're all probably thinking that this isn't a big deal but it is. I never clean for something to do. I also shovelled snow for something to do today, which is something I do regularly. Then Dad came home and told me it's supposed to snow tonight!

So yeah tomorrow when I wake up at what ever time I wake up I'll probably start studying for my exam on Thursday. Then I've got some basketball practicing to do, then maybe finish off the night with some more studying. Thursday is my one and only exam. Then might head into Brandon or maybe I'll go to cadets. Who knows....Friday is curling in Rossburn which should be some good times. Saturday is more curling, Sunday is either more curling or maybe I'll head down to Strath for some snowmobiling unless it's really cold (which it's supposed to be). Monday I might go to Saskatoon and Tuesday my family abandons me and heads off to Calgary for nearly a week so I might attempt to bake some cookies or something. Oh and if any of the Lennox ladies read this make sure you wear lots of clothes when you get out of the airport it's supposed to be cold and snowing. HAHA!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

***Your Personality Is***

Rational (NT)

You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

The Three Question Personality Test

Excuse me I have nothing better to do...........

My Personality is Like Acid

Your Personality Is Like Acid

A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.One moment you're in your own little happy universe...And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"So, you're a cannibal."

Am I really Brad Ashcroft?

So yeah yesterday I curled a pretty decent game. Unfortunately I couldn't lead the team to victory but we came as close as we've ever game to it. After the amazing game I headed down to the hall where I was pressed into labour as a kitchen worker. I tell you I'm starting to get good working in the kitchen. Once that was over I hung out at the social for a bit till myself and some other guys headed down the road to Strathclair bar. Pretty decent Friday night it gave me the chance to unwind from the most hectic week I've had in a long time.

So now I'm gonna talk about the title. So yesterday on the intercampus bus for some reason I asked I think it was Jodi I asked what she'd say if I told her that I really wasn't Brad Ashcroft and that I was really someone else. What would you say if someone you knew just came out one day and explained to you that they weren't really who they made out to be? I dunno that would be pretty shocking. I guess the only reason anyone would ever pretend to be someone else would be if they were a spy or in the witness protection program. But man would that be wild....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's Over!

So it's over. It's done. It's complete. It's finished. It's out of my control. Yeah, that's right I'm done Pre-Calculus 40S forever or so I hope. The exam is over and I'm relieved. Of course I still have a bad feeling about the whole situation but I usually have a bad feeling about a lot of things. Sometimes the feeling is right and other times it's wrong so I'm hoping for the best. So now I'm going to finish up some ELA, and then this semester is pretty much over until the Physics exam. So now I have to find something to do next week when I'm not writing the Physics exam. Maybe do some skidooing, definitely doing some curling, and maybe find some other mischief to get into.

Monday, January 22, 2007

It's on!

2 Days, 18 hours, 16 minutes, and the seconds keep ticking away.
That's how long until I'm free of the shackles of Pre-Calculus math. For better or worse I'll be done forever and technically I'll have graduated from Grade 12. Keyword being technically, because I'm going back next semester to load up on more credits. I just thought I'd announce that to the world. I'm seriously considering starting my weekend the moment the exam is over. Now it's time to get back to the books.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back on the court

So tonight I made my return to the basketball court after 4 years and damn was I rusty. Still am but hopefully things come back to me. I forgot how much fun basketball is even when all you're doing is blocking kids and getting the odd foul. Gotta get on that stats board somehow.

Yeah, so that's about it. I've decided that someday in my boredom I'm going to write a list of things to do before I die. Ms. Papanies was telling Shane and I about her list and it sounded like a good idea. Philly D said that if you write your goals down you're more likely to accomplish them. Plus I'm always thinking of stuff I'd like to do but I never write it down so I usually forget about it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Good News

Good news everybody!! After some almost tortorous tests it has been determined that my eye sight is better then 20/20, which qualifies me to be a pilot in the Canadian Forces!!! That's my good news. Though some of those tests make you wish you were blind so you never had to do them again. For example the glucoma test where they blow air at what I call high pressure into your eye or those eye drops for the cyclopegic refraction that dilate your pupils so big you can't tell your eye color. The drops then make your eyes sore then you get a headache. Anyhoo that's my news!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Look what I found!

So I was going through some pictures with my Mom today and look at what I found. It's baby Julie, some other unidentified baby, and......................little Michele Gerrard!

Monday, January 08, 2007

First Day

So I don't really have anything emotional, inspiring, or informative to say, which really isn't going to surprise any of you reading this. Anyways school started again today. Not bad I guess. Not to labour intensive. Actually played my tuba so much I got one of those headaches you get when your brain isn't getting the oxygen it needs. Math was a gooder cuz I got the test I did before the holidays back and it was the best one I've done all year and supposedly my math mark isn't as bad as it was believed and it's gone up. I know this doesn't excite anyone except me but someday one of you might be in Grade 12 Pre-Cal and you'll understand. Oh and my Physics mark has gone up like 5% to! I know not exciting for anyone except me but I'm in the mood to brag.

Anyways tomorrow I start my ELA exam, and the high school curling team makes it's debut as a team. With the exception of the exam tomorrow should be a good day. Basketball this weekend. Should be fun despite my lack of talent on the court.

Oh is anyone else sorta wishing spring comes soon? I really wanna walk around in shorts and sandals in the middle of Brandon Airport out in the sun and gliding. That's just me though.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Git r done!

Thanks to Larry the Cable Guy for the title! Anyways, I'm going to rant a bit. Christmas Holidays are to long if you ask me. 2 weeks is way to long. Now 2 weeks ago I would have said that 2 weeks wasn't long enough. But I'm ready to go back to school. I spend my days sleeping in till 10, watching syndicated tv shows, napping on the couch, reading 1984, and filling out a multitude of applications for a multitude of things. The last two things are the only two productful things I've done lately, and it's a good thing I started doing them. However I'd rather be back in school, even though when I'm in school I'd rather be anywere but there. But at least when I'm at school I have to wake up early, do a fair amount of useful activities, and don't end my days thinking that I've wasted a day. I'd like to go back to school so that I can do my provincial english exam and the math exam. I dread the thought of doing either one of them but I'd like to just get them over with and rid myself a great deal of stress. As well once those two exams are over and done with I'm one step closer to a change in scenery. Don't get me wrong I love this farm, Shoal Lake, and the whole area, but it's time to see the world! Consider this rant concluded.

I'm going to go read 1984 now, which by the way is an extremely strange book. TVs that watch you, no freedom, socialism, and a world where propaganda rules supreme. Oh and what happened to that band Treble Charger? Damn, they were good.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Out with the old and in with.........

So how did I spend my New Years Eve? With Adrienne of course and it was a pretty awesome time. So quick little trivia question. Who did Time Magazine name the person of the year? Me! and everyone else in the world. That's right they named everyone the person of the year, because we control the information age, through such things as this blog and Youtube. So I just thought I'd inform y'all of that.

So now that 2006 is over we can all look back with our 20/20 hindsight and react in any way we want to what occured. 2006 was a good year and probably the most successful of all the years I've gone through, though 2007 will most likely give 2006 a run for it's money. I'm gonna run through 2006, real quickly here and go over the highlights.

January - January was a pretty slow month actually. Though I did take that entrance exam for power to the cleaners.

February - Another slow month, though I had some success with curling and I whooped the review boards.

March - 30 Hr. Famine, cadet trip to Winnipeg, family trip to South Dakota, and some other good times.

April - Gliding season started!

May - I received my passenger rating in the glider and I started flying kids! Band trip to Moose Jaw, got my fancy hairdo, made some girls cry and others hysterical. Probably the closest I'll get to being a rock star. Got promoted to Warrant Officer Second Class, received the Legion Medal of Excellence, became Squadron Commander, etc. Won the Student Council elections and became President. Not bad for the under dog in the election's race. Pretty good month overall.

June - Finished Grade 11 on the honor roll. Safe gradded it up twice. Relay for Life.

July - Left for St. Andrews to begin the largest accomplishment of my life.

August - I was the Flight Commander of the St. Andrews cadets at our Wings Parade, where I obviously received the wings that made me a pilot!

September - Started Grade 12, and back to the gliding field where I chalked up the time like nobody's business.

October - What a month October was. It was quite a weird time romantically we'll say and leave it at that. In the end though it all worked out perfectly and now I have an amazing gf. I also kept chalking up the glider time, and I got a cross-country to Gimli in.

November - Well there was hunting, which didn't go so well but I had fun.

December - Pretty successful month. Was accepted to two universities (U of M and U of W). Started the long process of joining the military, and so far have been pretty successful at that. Staffed a cadet weekend in Winnipeg.