Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stupid politicians

I just had to rant about this. So I was listening to the news today on the radio when it came to a bit about the war in Afghanistan. Jack Leighton the leader of the federal new democratic party made a comment on how Canadian soldiers should be pulled out of combat operations and put into peace building operations. Is he an idiot. Does he not realize that soldiers train for combat. That's their job buddy. They aren't diplomats who are supposed to "build peace". I just had to rant about his stupidity and how he wants Canada to run away now that the going has gotten tough.

Fuzzy Black Tongue

So ummm where to start today? Well let's start with my hair cut. I didn't really want to get my haircut but I sorta had to because I was looking pretty shaggy for cadets. So I asked to have enough hair left so I could look like a normal person for pictures. Let's just say I hope it grows fast. Then I went to the doctor in Hamiota to get my acne checked out. So you know how there's two waiting rooms right? The one you sit in and then the nurse takes you to the next one. So I was sitting in the one waiting room where they keep all the brochures. I couldn't help but notice that the most taken brochure was the herpes one. In fact there was none left. That made me laugh in my head for a bit. So after 45 minutes of waiting I finally saw the doctor. So he looked at my back and made a comment on the amount of acne. Then he wrote me a prescription and sent me on my way. So I went to the pharmacist next who then informed me of all the things I have to do while taking these drugs. That was all cool. So I got home and read the big thing of side effects. One of the possible side effects is a fuzzy black tongue! I thought that was sorta funny. Hopefully I don't get that side effect though. I could see that killing my already dead love life. I then spent the remainder of my day doing boring, slightly mindless, and dull farm work. Surprise, surprise. Everyday I hope that it rains or that school will eventually start and I won't have to work anymore.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Still haven't thought of anything profound

So the good news is I'm about one day away from never having to swath again in my life because this should hopefully be my last harvest if all goes well with school and life in the upcoming months. So I've thought of stuff to write on here but then I forgot it or it's to long to write in the short amount of time I'm giving myself because I want to go to bed soon. Tomorrow I'm going to go get my hair cut because that fourteen dollar haircut (big ripoff) I got in Winnipeg looks meh. You'd think haircuts in the city would be cheaper then in small town Manitoba but they aren't. That's my rant about haircut prices. Then I'm going to the doctor who will hopefully help me rid myself of that annoying acne problem which I won't get into. I believe in learning even if it's learning useless information. So today I've looked up a word my Dad used today because I wanted to know it's meaning. The word is harem. Give me one second while I copy and paste this from the dictionary.......

har‧em  /ˈhɛərəm, ˈhær-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hair-uhm, har-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the part of a Muslim palace or house reserved for the residence of women.
the women in a Muslim household, including the mother, sisters, wives, concubines, daughters, entertainers, and servants.
Animal Behavior. a social group of females, as elephant seals, accompanied or followed by one fertile male who denies other males access to the group.
Facetious or Offensive. a group of women associated in any way with one man or household: Father joked that he had a harem of five daughters.

After finding out the meaning of the word I've discovered my father misused it in his sentence and I will most likely educate him on the meaning of the word the next time he uses it. I'm going to leave you all know with something funny I heard Mitch Hedberg (comedian) say: "I got tired of following my dreams so I just asked them where they were going so I could meet up with them later."

I had to stop what I was doing because I laughed so hard!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Almost there!

So I'm almost done swathing....I've only got like 600 more acres to go. I don't know how much that equals in time but it sounds a lot better then the last number I heard. Tomorrow once again I'll be doing farm work YAY! For some odd reason I'm excited to go to the doctor on Thursday. Probably because this trip to the doctor has the potential to get me out of work for a good portion of the day. What else is new? My aunt from Alberta is out and I got a letter from my buddy Kai. The letter managed to make me jealous because he went flying and I didn't. He did however send some cool pictures of us hotshots in our uniforms sporting our wings. Anyways yeah that's about it. Dad figures that harvest is going to be done around the 9th or 10th of September which is pretty sweet because it makes my life a whole heck of a lot easier. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time to write about something profound and unboring. For now I'll just show off a little poem about flying that is incredibly awesome. If you've ever flown a plane you'll totally appreciate it and even if you haven't flown one you probably will to.

High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, —and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor ever eagle flew—
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

It was written by a Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr. who was an American serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War 2. He died shortly after writing the poem at age 19.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Can't think of a title so here it goes....

I'm not even going to tell you all what I spent my day doing because I'm pretty sure you all know. I did get to go to town today! You know your life is sad when going to the elevator and to get swather parts in town is the highlight of your day. So tomorrow I have guessed it swath. The boredom is killer, it's lonely, noisy, and it smells like mice and bounce sheets. So I'm pretty excited about school starting so that I can interact with people face to face. Oh and to top off a dull, boring day the grease gun exploded as I was loading the grease gun tube into it. The stupid thing managed to get grease all over itself and my hands. At least all this work will hopefully equal some money for flying and other assorted good times. So I must have had a million profound thoughts today that I should/could write about but I can't remember them and I'm tired. So I'm going to go to bed and hope that maybe I'll wake up and all the farm work will be done. I'm thinking I'd be better off with a lottery ticket then that wish. But before I go to bed I'm going to regale you in some sorta slightly funny flying jokes.

Oh I've got a question for y'all!? How do you know you have a pilot at your party? He'll tell you!!

Here's another goof ball flying related joke.

How do you know your date with a pilot is half over? He'll say "Well enough about me let's talk about my plane!"

This last little bit of humour is courtesy of my room mate from camp. Let's just say it discusses my two favourite things and why sometimes it's easier to prefer one over the other.

Why Pilots Prefer Airplanes Over Women
* Airplanes usually kill you quickly; a woman takes her time.
* Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.
* Airplanes don't get mad if you do a "touch and go."
* Airplanes don't object to a pre-flight inspection.
* Airplanes come with a manual to explain their operation.
* Airplanes have strict weight and balance limitations.
* Airplanes can be flown at any time of the month.
* Airplanes don't come with in-laws.
* Airplanes don't care about how many other airplanes you've flown before.
* Airplanes and pilots both arrive at the same time.
* Airplanes don't mind if you look at other airplanes.
* Airplanes don't mind if you buy airplane magazines.
* Airplanes expect to be tied down.
* Airplanes don't comment on your piloting skills.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Countdown to the real world

So I'll start off by saying something about yesterday's blog. It's very vague and for good reason. It has nothing to do with flying either and yeah I'll just stop talking about it before I unvague it.

So today was Day 5 of me swathing. It sorta feels like a marathon. The sorta crappy marathon that you don't wanna be in and that no one shows up to watch. Tomorrow I have to be on the swather at like 6 or 7 in the morning. That pretty much really sucks.

So all of this swathing has reminded me (not that I needed any reminding) that I don't want to spend the rest of my life farming or for that matter near farming. So I took the oppurtunity to start getting all my stuff together. By stuff I mean university applications and the like. So I want to take a degree in engineering. So far I have the marks for it. Unfortunately I don't have all the classes for it. This is where everyone says but Brad you aren't done high school. You'll have them by June. Well kids I won't unless I take some of them by correspondance! Or I could just hope the military accepts me for RMC and then I won't need the correspondance course. So now I'm gonna have to take Calculus by correspondance. Which I guess shouldn't be bad. Except for my busy schedule.

The next month or two or possibly 3 or for that matter a long long time I'm gonna be tres busy. At least it's looking that way. Starting on the 6th I have school, the 9th gliding starts, the 10th is the student council retreat, who knows when soccer is starting, and of course work. I'm sure there's going to be a lot more stuff to. So life is going to be real busy. Just the way I like it. Hopefully I can find time to chase girls and hang out.

Ok so back to the applying for things. So I've got the forms to fill out to join the Canadian Forces. On them you have to apply for three different jobs to increase your chances of getting accepted. Naturally my first choice is pilot. My second is going to be Aerospace Controller which is like an Air Traffic Controller. My third is still up in the air. I'm leaning towards combat engineer. However my parents are sorta frowning upon that because they're worried I'll end up in a body bag ten years from now while I'm serving in some far off land. I tried explaining to them that I really have no ambition to be a paper pusher desk jockey and that if I can't fly a plane or tell one where to go that I want to be out in the field making a difference and leading people not sitting in an office drinking coffee and doing paperwork. They didn't seem to care and just said that they knew I'd make the right decision. I think what they are getting at is that they'll be mad if I end up as a combat engineer. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm really not concerned about ending up in a body bag. I love living and my number one fear in life is dieing but someone has to clear the world of mines, build bridges, etc while getting shot at in some far off country. If I end up being one of those people and end up paying the ultimate price then at least I did something good with my life.

Thoughts, comments, queries, and concerns?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Little Issue

So I've got this little issue. I've had it for a while. I got it shortly before my flight test. I managed to take care of it. I told it to go away. It went away. I was happy. End of story right? Not quite. So I finished my flight test and then bing bang boom and bang again it's back. It just won't go away. So you're all wondering what this issue is. Let's just call this issue some loose thoughts. A little collection of loose thoughts. A collection that should just disappear. Anyone ever had this problem? You tell the damn collection to f*ck off (I'm allowed to say that right?) but it just won't take a hike. To make matters worse everytime you get close to throwing that collection of thoughts out something shows up to save it. Maybe a conversation, maybe something you read, maybe a song you hear, etc. Almost makes me wish I was a deaf, dumb, blind, and illiterate. Now you're probably saying lock yourself up in a room Brad for a few days to clear yourself of this issue. Well I can't do that because then I'd be alone with this collection of thoughts I call an issue. The stupid things won't leave me alone. They used to make me lose sleep but then they got nice and let me sleep. They just decided it would be easier to let me sleep and then throw in the odd weird dream. So you're all probably saying man Brad is a real freak. Well you know what?? I sure don't know what but anyways a little input would be nice. Just do me a favour and skip the whole "Oh don't worry it'll go away and blah blah blah". I know it will go away or drive me crazy and I'll be living in Selkirk in a padded room.

By the way the Selkirk Mental Health Facility looks like a tres beau place. I walked by it a few weeks back. They even let the local kids play on the grass.

Day 4 of Wasting my life away on the swather

So today was day four of me sitting on the swather drinking pop, eating sandwiches, and playing with the satellite radio. I think Adriene is on to something because that satellite radio is distracting me. Everytime I play around with it something seems to go wrong. For instance today I plugged the swather a million times while playing with the sirius and the other night driving home from Bakers I was all over the road while playing with the sirius.

So anyways I do a lot of listening to a lot of different music and comedy on the radio. I've come to pick a few favourites. My favourite Foo Fighter song would have to be Times Like These. Everytime it comes on I end up rocking out and plugging the swather. Same with anything by The Offspring (who I've always liked but have really got into over the summer). My favourite comedian I've been listening to on the satellite radio has to me Mitch Fatel. He sorta acts like he's a little kid or something. It's good. So I'm starting to run out of things to say. So I'm gonna play some solitare because it's a thursday night and there's no where to go.

So anywayssssssss..............

So yeah........I'm giving this blog thinger ma jig a shot. So I spent today and yesterday and the day before doing farm work. Mainly swathing which I guess is an all right gig. I don't have to worry about much I just get left alone to do my own thing. I sit in airconditioning and listen to satellite radio. It's really lonely though and so I do a lot of thinking. Sometimes all the thinking scares me a bit but hey thats nothing new. I did have to fill grain bins the other day though. That was quite the adventure when I spilled that crapload of oats on the ground and had to shovel them up. By the time I was done I felt pretty sweaty, dusty, tired, sore, and overall just gross. But man was it a workout and a half I tell ya! So I'm starting to miss camp a bit. I don't miss the living with 15 other dudes and not seeing any girls. That part sucked but so far I haven't seen many girls now that I'm home either. But I sure do miss the flying, and the crazy hijinks that went on. I also miss being able to take my long naps. So I'm really excited about gliding starting up again. Except I'm really disappointed that Yorkton got shut down and I have to go to Brandon. It'll be pretty sweet to fly at a new airport and with new people though. I have to find a place to stay though. That's sorta crappy. So I'm doing a fair bit of ranting and I've only just started this blog thing.

So school starts in like 2 weeks or something crazy like that. I can't believe I'm coming to the end of my days as a high school student. I'm gonna be in Grade 12 this year. Gonna be the oldest flippin kid in school. Imagine that. Me the oldest! I'm also President!! That's quite wild and unbelievable. I'm a little nervous about the gig as Mr. President but it's going to be a good experience. So anyways my neck is getting sore for some reason and I'm tired. Coincidentally it's also late so I think I'm gonna head her off to bed!